Twitter Week in Review

  • RT @oddapt: Peter Chang's current restaurant is in Charlottesville, VA called Taste of China. I'm thinking PILGRIMAGE! [Is he *that* good?] #
  • Sad news – Charlottesville Ice Park Closing #
  • RT @PhxREguy: RT @MrsPhxREguy: Happy Birthday Thompson's Realty! #
  • Working offers on two foreclosures in Charlottesville area; both w/ same asset co. Both same bizarre clause. Story coming next week #
  • @ceruns Without definitions or limitations, there is no guidance. Gov't systems depend on vague demands w/o restriction. in reply to ceruns #
  • Majority says government a threat to citizens’ rights — And this is surprising how? #
  • @jmckeever Agreed, but "More" w/o "how" places too much control in gov't hands. I'd like a prop tax just for Albemarle schools in reply to jmckeever #
  • I'm sick of the "fund our schools" calls to action. We need to define *how* before we say "do it" #
  • Obama Looks To Stop ALL Foreclosures Without Government Review — A TERRIBLE idea #
  • Gas prices drive up foreclosures | No kidding. #
  • RT @HawaiiRealty: Fannie to US… We need another $15.3 BILLION… [of *course* they do] #
  • @superninjarobot houses w/ poor mobile and/or broadband coverage are less marketable. in reply to superninjarobot #
  • Only days that work for state Realtor meeting are the last 2 days of the month. #sucksforRealtorswhohaveclients amp;closings #
  • Morning showings over. Clients not getting service on iPhones ruled one house out. Afternoon showings in 30 minutes. #
  • February contracts in Charlottesville & Albemarle are higher than I expected. A glimmer of hope maybe? #
  • RT @realcrozetva: So frustrated that my insurance guy went to another company. I wish someone had picked up for him after he left. #
  • Charlottesville is 22nd (in transparency that is) – Albemarle is 15th. #
  • I'm just getting ready to switch to Google Apps, & I'm trying to manage another Google Apps domain & it has a "server error". Un-inspired. #
  • @superninjarobot As much as any area – here they are – in reply to superninjarobot #
  • 3 of 4 townhouses I'm showing in Forest Lakes tomorrow are foreclosures. #cville #
  • RT @IndyAgent: RT @kevincottrell: Calculated Risk: Freddie Mac: "Potential Large Wave of Foreclosures" #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: Funding for libraries cut 5%, though Tucker says County doesnt recommend library board close Scottsville /Crozet library #
  • RT @FrancesFlynnTho: CNN analysis Dana Bash: Democrats and Republicans are using summit as campaign event. #CNNhealth #HCR #
  • For an explanation of how & why the US govt is broken, watch the health care grandstanding going on right now. #
  • RT @mcohenmn: is loving the 1000Watt blog post "Real Estate Pandora" #
  • RT @nikiblack: "Social media, geolocation and Privacy" … /cc @feedly #
  • RT @PiedmontHousing: PHA nearing ownership &/or management of 395 affordable rental housing units–more than all of Cville's public housing. #
  • Our Yellowbooks came in the mail today. They must have a huge carbon footprint. Saw a neighbor put it back in the mailbox & raise the flag #
  • So much to do tonight. #
  • Real Estate Market Reports for Charlottesville and Albemarle as of 22 February, 2010 #
  • @amywebb I'd be ok with fully funding Albemarle County Schools if we could not send 10% of those funds to the City. in reply to amywebb #
  • @Marijean I'd start here and cc: @sunfoundation in reply to Marijean #
  • If you're interested in real estate in Charlottesville and want to see a nifty new way to search for homes, DM me. Seriously. It's neat. #
  • RT @DailyProgress: One more time, slowly. No amount of Google's high speed fiber optic cable will turn C'ville into an "ocean port". #
  • "As a company rule, we also don’t do [single agent] dual agency." #
  • @DaniloB Are there any good arguments *for* single agent dual agency? in reply to DaniloB #
  • @DaniloB It's bad. Bad. Bad. Single agent dual agency is one of the many reasons Realtors have bad reputations. in reply to DaniloB #
  • RT @ReggieRPR: Updates to the #RPR Content License Agreement: [great!] #
  • Great reviews about @GetOpenSpace from @nestrealty folks. Seriously great space. #
  • I just ousted @ian_edwards as the mayor of OpenSpace on @foursquare! #
  • RT @jjhutley: Let's forgive everyone everywhere everything all the time. [including debt? 🙂 ] #
  • Bodo's bagels in Crozet – #
  • Real world versus the internet (in real estate training) #
  • An interesting week ahead. Looking forward to it. #
  • I just became the mayor of Harris Teeter on @foursquare! #
  • Girls scout delivery girl said re: her careful packaging of the product "I didn't want them to get broken… like social security" awesome #
  • Off to show a bunch of houses. It's a refreshingly beautiful day. #
  • @mizzle I disagree. Many buyers want to find a home & find connection & acclimation to the community. in reply to mizzle #
  • Small one: "today is the perfect day. It can only come once a year!" #fb #

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