Albemarle County Budget – 2010 – Reductions all Around?

Read the Albemarle County Budget. If you’re pressed for time or attention span, start with the Budget Summary (pdf) – that’s where I found this unfortunate nugget:

Eliminates $190,000 for Homebuyers Down Payment Assistance Program. One-time funding for this program in FY 10/11 could be available and considered for reappropriation if this program does not meet its anticipated demand in FY 09/10

Find the fat, suggest changes (the first public hearing in 3 March at 6pm at the Lane Auditorium at the Albemarle County Office Building).

This is a hard year for localities’ budgets – Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Greene , statewide (and nationwide), and Albemarle County is no different.

– There is a great discussion at cvillenews, with Jeff Uphoff getting his math on in the comments.

There’s a petition to “fully fund” Albemarle County Schools.

The Daily Progress details the discussions on how to cut teachers.

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