Twitter Week in Review

  • @outskirts seriously, go to Chung's in Albemarle square. in reply to outskirts #
  • Line out the door at Charley's on High Street. Is that b/c od the food or the "Smoking Allowed" sign? #
  • An afternoon at King Family Vineyards #
  • "Hi, my name is X, I'm moving to Charlottesville to work at NGIC & need a place to live. Can you help?" Is why I answer the phone. #
  • @trailsidecoffee is bringing Spudnuts to Crozet. Talk about listening & service! #crozet #
  • I'll say this: trying to book a travel package via American Express Membership Rewards is nearly impossible. cc: @americanexpress #
  • RT @maeread: Foursquare users: just another opportunity for stalkers, or no? [maybe, but real connecting potential too] #
  • Holy cow. It's a gorgeous day. Thinking about going to King Family later #crozet #
  • RT @mdsuburbs: RT @JohnDMcClung: Examples of Great REALTORS® include: @rerockstar @phxreguy @mdsuburbs @JimDuncan <THNKS!> [ditto] #
  • A great night of daddy-daughter time, in part thanks to wonderful clients who gave me this movie #
  • RT @ARDELLd: Is the Master Bedroom in a "good" place? Sex and Real Estate #
  • Avoid 250 bypass from Barracks Rd on. West-bound. & probably Barracks & Emmet as a result. #
  • Off to show a house … #
  • Next, the City of Charlottesville will tax your Feet #
  • @chadratliff I'd engage, but @pammoran is still blocking me #ascd in reply to chadratliff #
  • Virginia Legislators' Arrogance is nearly unparalleled #
  • Going to Richmond to discuss/strategize how to raise level of real estate agent professionalism. Higher standards = all benefit #RTB #
  • Charlottesville folks: question from a client – best places to look for IT jobs in Charlottesville? #
  • Calculated Risk: The Very Expensive Home Buyer Tax Credit [holy moly!] #
  • This seems to be a service better suited for startup in a non-recession. But I don't know the auto-detailing-market. #
  • Don't buy an Audi. Ever. If you do, sell it before it's three years old. Or, just never buy an Audi. #
  • @AndreaRealtor HUGE thanks for your time, wisdom & insight today. I'm grateful that Twitter gave the opportunity to connect in reply to AndreaRealtor #
  • Off to a home inspection – early – to make sure water was turned on. #
  • In three years desktops will be irrelevant – Google sales chief – Business #
  • Would really like to talk to some real estate brokers in Colorado & North Carolina about their broker-only states. Pros/cons/roadblocks? #
  • Tried to upload my photo to the new varealtor site & the site went down. I'm hurt. #
  • RT @dmmandil: Home inspections today. [woot] #
  • Why use a Realtor – who has an inherent conflict of interest based on the sales price? #
  • My read on tonight's hearing – Consensus -> good schools = increased demand which = good real estate values. #acpsbos #
  • @tfjtolson I'd feel much more confident about "raising taxes" if we could line-item raised taxes for schools #acpsbos in reply to tfjtolson #
  • @mattwilkins @lasheamiller Beyond tax records though, what are things your clients want to know? #
  • Realtors – when researching properties, what are the best sources? GIS, tax records, google … #
  • RT @TessOrtega: keeping up with BOS meeting via twitter I love the internet #acpsbos #
  • I'd like to see year-round schooling & less vacation. While we're thinking out of the box. #acpsbos #
  • My thoughts on Albemarle County schools & house values – – #acpsbos #
  • RT @paulawhite: @corriekelly STREAM? Follow #acpsbos [following Albemarle Cnty school hearing] #
  • @haminga what's the red for? in reply to haminga #
  • Want to go to the Albemarle County school public school hearing tonight but will be showing houses instead. #cville #
  • At a home inspection. No wireless. At least now my email is coming through in a timely fashion thanks to Google apps #
  • @paulderb Also, my email was delayed by ~10-15 minutes getting to my blackberry; now it's back to instantaneous in reply to paulderb #
  • @paulderb I went Google Apps to consolidate & streamline. Also, my new email ip w/ host was a "dirty" (spammer's) ip. So far, so good in reply to paulderb #
  • Realtors – best 3 services you use – paid or free? #
  • Sorted. #
  • Setting up Google Apps email on my Blackberry. #fail #
  • Making the transition to Google Apps for my main email. A bit nerve-wracking, but my psyche is screaming for consolidation #
  • @DailyProgress funny thing is, Charlottesville already has fiber. But to get it, folks will have to *pay* for it. With money. in reply to DailyProgress #
  • RT @paix120: I've said it before, USPS has the DUMBEST business sense. RT @CNN_Newsroom Snail mail might soon get (cont) #
  • Ice Park closing's impact on the Charlottesville real estate market #
  • Unfortunately, the lack of staff + slow internet = me being unable to work at Cville Coffee today. They're very busy; good for them. #
  • Wet snow in downtown Cville. Are schools closed yet? #
  • RT @cvcvo: RT @cvillenews_desk: Downtown Mall's storefront vacancies triple in under two years [with video!]: #
  • When 1st impressions matter … #
  • RT @newmediajim: Actual revenue from postal worker stopping at a house in 2000 – $1.80 today $1.40 [do it 3 days/wk] #
  • I'd like to see a poll of producing Realtors re: whether tax credit should be extended #
  • The day's not yet begun and I already need more time. #
  • Tim – Thank you for all the work you put into this – the comment and the libraries.I agree with everything you say… #
  • The absolute last thing I wanted to do today/this year was look for a new car. #
  • RT @ancym: Ohno! via @CBS19 JMRL Board Vote Unanimously to Close Scottsville Library – #
  • Anyone have a phone number to contact Google Apps help? #google #
  • I get to meet a carpet cleaner at one of my listings this morning, thanks to another agent's negligence/mistake. Awesome. #
  • RT @jonathanmiller: US Attorney Files Fair Housing Suit Over Condo Rules Restricting Kids’ Play [wow] #
  • Actually takinga day off today, the first one in memory. I forgot what it felt like. #
  • @haminga I'm thinking conspiracy. 🙂 in reply to haminga #
  • Why the block @pammoran? #

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