Albemarle County Wants Google’s Fiber!

See? The County of Albemarle and City of Charlottesville can work together! At least they’re trying.

Please, Google, Bring Fiber to Charlottesville!

Petition to bring Google Fiber to Charlottesville

City, County and UVA Considering application for ultrafast Google Fiber

But … did you know that Blue Ridge InternetWorks already has laid a bunch of fiber around the City of Charlottesville?

From an Albemarle County press release:

We want Google Fiber in central Virginia!!

Albemarle County, Charlottesville and the University of Virginia are putting in a joint application to bring Google Fiber for Communities to central Virginia, and we are looking for help from the community.

A little background – Google is planning to launch an experiment that they hope will make Internet access better and faster for everyone. They plan to test ultra-high speed broadband networks in one or more trial locations across the country. These networks will deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today, over 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. Google says they will offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 people.  Google’s goal is to experiment with new ways to help make Internet access better, and faster for everyone. Google plans to pay for the installation of the fiber network with no infrastructure costs to the community.

How will this help our regional community??

According to Google, “ In the same way that the transition from dial-up to broadband made possible the emergence of online video and countless other applications, ultra high-speed bandwidth will drive more innovation – in high-definition video, remote data storage, real-time multimedia collaboration, and others that we cannot yet imagine. It will enable new consumer applications, as well as medical, educational, and other services that can benefit communities. If the Internet has taught us anything, it’s that the most important innovations are often those we least expect.”

As a first step, Google is putting out a Request for Information (RFI) to help identify interested communities. They welcome responses from local government, as well as members of the public.

How can you help make this happen??
Officials from the City, County and University are hoping for an enthusiastic response from the public to help build the case to bring Google Fiber to our community. There are two ways to get involved:  

We need to submit our request by March 26, so we need survey responses and community nominations to be submitted by March 22. Even if our community is not selected, this effort will gather important information for future broadband possibilities. Please fill in a survey and nominate our community today!

(when they’re asking for something for free)

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  1. Baylor Fooks March 12, 2010 at 11:53

    Thanks for recognizing us in your post, Jim. We have built more than seven miles of fiber in Charlottesville and have many more planned. Having our own fiber network is allowing us to offer packages of 10 to 100 Mbps at price points lower than cable or dsl budled deals, and it’s a much more consistent, reliable service. We’d love to hear about communities that desire fiber to the home.

    Baylor Fooks
    Blue Ridge InternetWorks

  2. Ben Jencks March 12, 2010 at 16:03


    Are you doing any residential deployments with that fiber? The service here at OpenSpace is great, but it’s not exactly consumer-level pricing.

  3. Baylor Fooks March 16, 2010 at 11:13


    While it’s not consumer level pricing, it is excellent pricing for the commercial grade service you desired, with features such as BGP routing and a backup wireless bridge between our buildings. Considering these, I believe our price is about 13% cheaper than our nearest competitor for a symetrical 10 Mbps commercial Internet connection in Charlottesville, and we did the wireless backup link nobody else would do 😉



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