Maybe the City Should Just say No to the Meadowcreek Parkway

Meadowcreek parkway staging area
Meadowcreek Parkway Staging Area in Albemarle County, along Rio Road

Rather than drag this out any further, maybe the City of Charlottesville should just end the discussion and say they’re not going to support/build/move forward with their part of the Parkway. Just stand up for what you believe in and say no. (and pay VDOT back)

It’s only been 43 years since they started talking about it. Think about that. 43 years to discuss one road.

Related reading:

– The most comprehensive source for Meadowcreek Parkway information – Charlottesville Tomorrow

What if the Meadowcreek Parkway didn’t exist? (travel patterns and settlement patterns have changed in the past 40 years)

– Heck, I’ve been writing about it since 2005. (ignore the Daily Progress dead link)

Meadowcreek Parkway study by the Free Enterprise Forum

* Photo courtesy of

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