Twitter Week in Review

  • It seems my blackberry has passed away due to being dropped in coffee. 20 hours in rice couldn't revive it. Anyone have coupons to best buy? #
  • A long day of blackberry-less digging & building + invaluable help from my neighbor & my raised bed garden is 95% complete. #
  • My blackberry fell in my coffee. #
  • Going to talk to a potential seller client; UVa medical resident who bought 4 years ago. (@ Turtle Creek) #
  • RT @mattrathbun: What do you all think I should start working on first? [Helping me build my garden] #
  • If Priuses are so fast, why do I pass so many of them? #
  • Kelly asks an interesting question – Are Wall Mounted TVs a Fixture? #
  • RT @Swanepoel: Recommended @ericbryn:'Eric is part of the new generation of young real estate leader… ' #mrtweet #
  • This is where … (Caption this) #
  • RT @nicoleradziwill: In theory, I've got it all figured out. In practice, I'm still working on my theory. #
  • Showing another foreclosure in Crozet. I remember showing this house four years ago; only difference – it's 4 years older & a lot cheaper #
  • "If You Don't Tie Our Hands, We Will Keep Stealing" – Thanks, @tomperriello for being honest #
  • Walking to school. A great way to start what's going to be a crazy day. #
  • RT @CVilleKim: RT @tomperriello: full text of health care reconciliation bill and CBO score up on my website #
  • Just when I think I've heard it all, I learn something new. #
  • Just talked to a potential buyer client from Lexington; she says VMI guys have been buzzing Lex Vegas for the past 2 days. #fb #
  • Talking to a potential buyer client who is researching Charlottesville neighborhoods; she's found a site with negative comments a 'hood #
  • Off to Fluvanna to look at a house … it's a beautiful day for a drive. #
  • RT @TessOrtega: Mailed Census today. Very interested to see how the demographics for Crozet have changed over the last 10 yrs. #
  • @Marijean beer in reply to Marijean #
  • RT @PiedmontHousing: Virginia Foreclosure Prevention Task Force reports that "foreclosure rates may peak in (cont) #
  • Getting my garden knowledge on. (@ Fifth Season Gardening Co) #
  • Tied up doing paperwork. But, productive, needed paperwork. #
  • Charlottesville folks – what does "buy local" mean to you? #
  • @watermarkdesign @seanshanks @Marijean @jmckeever C'Ville Coffee? #
  • RT @superninjarobot: @JimDuncan .02 as +2%, or as in +.02%? [ two cents ] #
  • Thinking about grabbing lunch on the Downtown Mall – who's hungry? Spur of the moment tweet-up? #
  • RT @cvilletomorrow: Supervisor Mallek says she supports adding .02 to Albemarle tax rate to generate add'l $3.073 million for capital budget #
  • Did you ever have one of those days? Today looks to be a great one. #
  • An empty Nest #
  • RT @jenontheedge: Hey C'ville peeps, check out this eating locally workshop: #thelocalist #
  • @mattrathbun that's today??? in reply to mattrathbun #
  • Please Watch this – The Daily Show on Financial “Reform” #
  • Ah, summer (gas prices) I didn't miss you #
  • @ProfessionalOne Ego & b/c it's always been done & b/c I perceive they value themselves more than brokerage (in some cases) in reply to ProfessionalOne #
  • Another day, and I'm one day closer to vacation the first week of April. Pushing now in anticipation of being gone. #
  • RT @NickTimiraos: RT @ReddySudeep: Housing gets interesting after April, once tax credit lifts: #
  • @kvbuckley Ah, If only I had hair … the things I could do … the heights of success I could reach … #
  • I know I'm busy when I start worrying about exceeding my 4k minutes on my Verizon plan. #
  • @robhahn Crazy talk. Absolute crazy talk. 🙂 Je pense que nos signes sont la bombe #
  • I Wasn't Going To Buy This House Until I Saw The Realtor's Headshot On The Sign #
  • Back from training. I'm far more ethical now. 🙂 6 hours to honesty & ethics. Now to get to work #
  • @1000wattmarc *Nails* It #
  • RT @JonathanK: Ahhh. Rumors and speculation. Makes me feel like I'm in the 8th grade again [are we going to see a local shift?] #
  • @Duewestphoto it's amazing what lenders aren't aware of. 🙂 logic, reason, that the interwebs aren't a fad. in reply to Duewestphoto #
  • Yet another bank refusing electronic signatures. Efficiency/progress #fail #
  • RT @jg_howard: Making Government Transparent and Accountable – #
  • RT @mattdollinger: New Post: Questions and Answers with RPR – My Notes from the Leading RE Conference – (Pls RT) #
  • RT @shannoneyedoc: Looking forward to the Crozet Business Networking Meeting today at 11:30 AM [I'm missing it again] #
  • What's a guy have to do to get in on the #RPR beta? Bueller? Bueller? #
  • RT @mattdollinger:I have scientifically proven that by starting your day listening to Kid Rock increases the chances of kickin that days ass #
  • Getting ready for an all-day Realtor ethics training session. Don't be so jealous. (@ Comfort Inn w/ 2 others) #
  • The Daily Show equating Congress to professional wrestling: brilliant. And on point. #
  • I had been hoping to follow the Charlottesville City Council meeting via @cvillenews_desk but no such luck tonight #
  • No email on my blackberry for the past 3 hours. Sweet. #
  • Moving Median Real Estate Prices in Charlottesville's MSA #
  • Taxation is voluntary, apparently, according to Harry Reid – #
  • Charlottesville attorney: for every regular purchase, there's a short sale. Scary. #shortsales #
  • Some of the best advice for sellers: be honest. With your Realtor, bank & most importantly, yourselves. #shortsales #
  • Some of the best advice for sellers: be honest. With your Realtor, bank & most importantly, yourselves. #
  • @DerekMassey Yes. More, harder, longer. I'm learning which banks are good, which are bad, how to deal/manage & help sellers #
  • "Short sales are going to get a lot worse." #
  • Deciding to go short sale is a bigger decision than choosing to buy a house. We need to remember that. #shortsales #
  • RT @genuinechris: Liberals sneer at intelligent design. Unless it's them designing a government. Odd, that. #
  • RT @tcar: RT @hilarymarsh: ugh! Why does Lotus Notes crash on me so often? Grrr [because it's Lotus Notes?] #
  • "Banks are not proactive; they only react" #shortsales #
  • Learning about short sales this morning @nestrealty – the banking industry is a disgrace. It's still about the people. People matter. #
  • @seantubbs I'm finding that home makeover shows are a huge detriment to sellers & buyers due to the unreasonable expectations they set. in reply to seantubbs #
  • Not really sure why I'm having healthy coffee this morning: soy milk & blue agave sweetener. #
  • Charlottesville City and Albemarle County – Real Estate Data Market Reports – Single Family Homes – As of 15 March 2010 #
  • Charlottesville City and Albemarle County – Real Estate Data Market Reports – Condos and Attached Homes – As of 15 M… #
  • Charlottesville City and Albemarle County – Real Estate Data Market Reports – Single Family Homes – As of 15 March 2010 #
  • Charlottesville City and Albemarle County – Real Estate Data Market Reports – Condos and Attached Homes – As of 15 M… #
  • RT @scgrace: Food Inc. = Disturbing and tragic [one of the motivators to my planning a garden. The worst part: the mom afraid to talk] #
  • @shannoneyedoc I wish I could have made it tonight. What are their plans? in reply to shannoneyedoc #
  • Rode my bike to show a few houses in Crozet yesterday #

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