Updated Charlottesville Search for Homes Tool

My beloved search tool has been upgraded … as always, if you have any issues, please let me know either via contact form or in the comments. I (and Diverse Solutions, I’m sure) want this to be the best possible way to search for homes.

  • Added sharing ability to Twitter, Facebook, Dwellicious, Google Buzz, Email
  • Added print / PDF to Details listing
  • Added ability to have Community, Tract, Zip and MLS Number to Search Widget
  • Added ability to have map auto-open on results pages
  • Added tracking to results map being opened or close between pages
  • Added icon for results map link
  • Improved slideshow look & feel on details
  • Added better full-size photos (just click on the photo in the slideshow to see full size photo)
  • If account has dsSearchAgent Pro: Added ability to have an “advanced” link in Search Widget which leads to a new page with the dsSearchAgent frame auto generated
  • Added ability to set the Template for dsSearchAgent page
  • Added Bing Birds-Eye View to Details pages
  • Added ability to set first/last name and email in wp-admin (necessary for pdf and contact form, shares values with dsSearchAgent)
  • Numerous CSS/UI improvements

The Bing birds-eye view is a great addition. As I noted in November, Bing is much better than Google in some cases.

(Visited 32 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Anonymous May 31, 2011 at 09:11

     said Duncan. “We don’t know what’s gonna happen with new construction or
    interest rates or the greater macroeconomic levels.”

  2. Anonymous May 31, 2011 at 09:11

     said Duncan. “We don’t know what’s gonna happen with new construction or
    interest rates or the greater macroeconomic levels.”


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