Twitter Week in Review

  • RT @TheFix: Why is Fox Soccer Channel not in HD? Maddening. #
  • Rode my bike to soccer & coffee meeting; now to drive to show land then houses. Unexpectedly (& gratefully) busy today. #
  • Going to coach soccer in a bit, then a meeting @MudhouseCrozet . #
  • RT @dmcdermon: Any food recommendations in Charlottesville, Va.? Got an afternoon to kill tomorrow. [what do you like?] #
  • I just became the mayor of Blue Mountain Brewery on @foursquare! #
  • Rode my bike to a closing (with fantastic clients) & then rode to drop off an offer at a good Realtor's office. #
  • My Verizon Wireless bill has ballooned significantly. Looking for options/alternatives. #fb #
  • RT @jmckeever: wow it is a beautiful day, i cant wait to pick up the kids and play [amen!] #
  • RT @rqd: RT @robhahn: More on the death of Real Estate Video. New Notorious: #
  • You may want to avoid 250 Bypass westbound #
  • RT @JamesShiner: Wow! Twitter has 105,779,710 Registered Users, Adding 300K A Day – [but I thought ot was a fad 🙂 ] #
  • A reminder: you're *always* representing your brand. #
  • Guy driving a green Honda pickup with Dealer tag driving like a NASCAR driver on 29 heading towards Brown Honda. Coincidence? #
  • Heading to a walkthrough. #
  • RT @nikiblack: Damn techie disruptive insolent Gen Y kids: #
  • RT @EmmanuelGreenwd: 7:40am Accident on 250 in ivy 1 mi east of 240/250 be careful! #Cville #crozet #ivy #vdot (via @petermcarey) #
  • Working, and my MLS is  working against me. #
  • Now to see about a listing in Crozet … #
  • Mind was blown this afternoon when friend from high school whom I hadn't seen in 10 yrs walked into @nestrealty. Small. World. #
  • Just picked up a bunch of garlic to plant from @adrienneEliza. Hope my client this afternoon likes the smell of my car. 🙂 in reply to adrienneEliza #
  • re: Blue Mountain Brewery – cc: @NRVLiving #
  • Blue Mountain Brewery produces medal-winning delicious-ness #
  • RT @CrossFitCVILLE: confused by social media gurus. hey businesses, just talk with everyone. it's easy. #
  • Going to a Realtor Board meeting. Don't be jealous. Or hatin' #
  • Looking at salaries in Charlottesville- wondering if we could be like SF, Portland, Austin – #
  • @diversesolution I sent an email for support this morning, no response. Is it something I said? #
  • RT @nikiblack: Google backs Yahoo in privacy fight with DOJ on Fluent News [um,yes. I expect my email to be private] #
  • Showing houses. Interesting houses today. 🙂 #
  • VDOT is 99% complete with obtaining the rights of way on Jarman's Gap Road. #
  • I don't blgo or tweet about my listings, but this one is one worth seeing in Crozet – #
  • @CvilleBubble You might find these interesting – & #
  • Anyone else having issued with Diverse Solutions' dsIDXpress slowing sites down? #
  • RT @terek55: Headed to meet @jimduncan's mom Betty to discuss making an offer on a house! YAY 🙂 [good luck!] #
  • I'll be retiring soon. I bought a powerball ticket today for the first time in years. #
  • And I receive yet another reminder of how sleazy and slimy politics are. As always, follow the $$ #
  • Got convinced to asst coach older one's soccer team. Looking forward to coaching again. I forgot how time-restrictive shutting down early is #
  • RT @MudhouseCrozet: DAN MADE IT TO THE NATIONAL BARISTA CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Come see the show streaming live at Mudhouse Crozet this Th at noon! #
  • Would you buy this house? 🙂 #
  • Thoughts on Charlottesville's Open House Weekend – Just my perspective #
  • I've tried to listen to ESPN Radio 6 times in past 25 minutes; each time I tried it was on a commercial. #
  • @JahmalSAIC Curious – are any of those jobs for Charlottesville locations? in reply to JahmalSAIC #
  • Charlottesville – Albemarle Real Estate Market Update – As of 12 April 2010 #
  • The FairTax Solution — Seeking Alpha cc: @tomperriello #
  • I get such a kick out of absurdly-transcribed google voice messages. #
  • @petermcarey Very clever. Bringing church stuff to a brewery. 🙂 #crozet #afton #Cville #Emmanuel #episcopal in reply to petermcarey #
  • RT @petermcarey: Meet us at Blue Mountain Brewery at 7pm tonight to discuss CS Lewis's "Screwtape Letters"..#crozet #afton #Cville #Emmanuel #
  • Off to a home inspection. With no wireless. #
  • Not a bad way to end the day #
  • If you live in the Charlottesville area & want to help your neighbors sell their houses, spend sometime outside toda… #

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous May 31, 2011 at 09:07

    Being able to successfully represent clients will define the future of this profession.


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