- Rapid-fire counter-offering tonight. #
- 7.5 hours of showing houses. Finished. Time to catch up. #
- Finally have my hands on the #RPR beta. #
- RT @jjhutley: Yay! @dmmandil and I are homeowners! #
- RT @ReneeRevetta: @toddwickersty @marijean @SteveGaines62 @gobsondm how's next Tuesday look for a lunchtime#tweetup? Venue ideas? #smccville #
- RT @hanchettjim: NGIC names Phillip Roberts to be local contact w/UVa, city and county. His background on #CBS19 at 5 #
- Who has the Crozet Farmer's Market signs? http://bit.ly/9LClfm Bueller? Bueller? #
- RT @craig42k: Agreed. Privacy is the user's responsibility RT @FSecure: Why You Can't Count on Facebook for Your Privacy http://su.pr/4FcLZD #
- RT @Pistachio: arguably the best way to have friendly neighbors is to smile at them and say hello. not sure folks realize that. i didn't. #
- RT @toddwickersty: Quick poll: Who is seriously considering deactivating their Facebook account after the (cont) http://tl.gd/1046lh #
- Pre-drywall walkthroughs are fun http://post.ly/cbEZ #
- For the amount of driving I'm about to do, I wish I could borrow a Prius. Crozet > Palmyra > Arrington > Charlottesville. #
- I already need four more hours today. #
- RT @jjhutley: totally stoked about moving and painting and cleaning and refinishing and dry-walling. #
- Congratulations to @GetOpenSpace for the CBIC nomination! http://post.ly/cTc8 #
- Well, this is curious. What if all 6 are true? http://bit.ly/a4tL3q #
- She needs a bigger tree http://post.ly/cQnl #
- RT @KristenCarr: Super excited the Charlottesville area is beta testing #RPR Mobile. I know at least one RPR (cont) http://tl.gd/vq878 #
- @FrancesFlynnTho where has the consumer been for past 30+ years? in reply to FrancesFlynnTho #
- RT @FrancesFlynnTho: RT @valasie: #AFIRE @KrisBerg – The consumer will shake it out for the Real Estate Industry [doubtful] #
- Charlottesville/UVa ZipCars http://post.ly/cLPc #
- @trailsidecoffee's "curbside" service is saving me crucial time this morning. Awesome. #
- Combine HAR's "Realtor Profile" with FB's new world – http://bit.ly/afrzY2 #
- RT @PhxREguy: RT @TomRoyce: If I was a Real Estate Agent I would read this and think very hard about it. http://bit.ly/bSV2Ga #
- RT @1000wattmarc: New on 1000watt – Bob Hale is sticking his neck out – who’s got his back? http://bit.ly/bNZbbc [implications are HUGE] #
- You think the Charlottesville real estate market's tough? Try this – http://bit.ly/9Sc9HP cc: @CvilleBubble #
- April Fools, Right? http://post.ly/cEDz #
- RT @toddwaller: Want to know the future of real estate? http://cli.gs/gDRMz << 5 years ago, they saw where (cont) http://tl.gd/ve27i #
- RT @r: Facebook's Open Graph is neither open nor a graph. Talk amongst yourselves. #
- Garden progress http://post.ly/cC3Q #
- Off to show a cool house in the City. #
- RT @Scobleizer: http://graph.Facebook.com just announced. http://graph.Facebook.com/btaylor is Brett's. /friends /likes etc. Cool. #
- RT @emjaydoesPR: RT @Pickering: Facebook is the next Google. No doubt about it now. #F8 #
- Irony or Insanity? http://post.ly/c5ti #
- When social media is bad for business – @KrisBerg nails it http://post.ly/c4bX #
- Rain. Wonderful rain this morning. My rain barrel was empty. #
- Charlottesville Real Estate Market Update for Charlottesville and Albemarle – Single Family Homes for Sale – As of 2… http://post.ly/c3vp #
- Charlottesville Real Estate Market Update for Charlottesville and Albemarle – As of 21 April 2010 http://post.ly/c3vO #
- Charlottesville Real Estate Market Executive Summary Update for Charlottesville and Albemarle – Attached & Condos – … http://post.ly/c3uv #
- Charlottesville Real Estate Market Update for Charlottesville and Albemarle – Single Family Homes for Sale – As of 2… http://post.ly/c3uU #
- Charlottesville Real Estate Market Update for Charlottesville and Albemarle – Attached & Condos – As of 21 April 2010 http://post.ly/c3tc #
- If you Own (Or Are Thinking about Owning) a Home Built Before 1978 | RealCentralVA.com http://post.ly/bt0U #
- RT @svengillingham: Alright, I'm ready to move back to Charlottesville…if not Charlottesville, Anywhere else but VA will do.[welcome back] #
- @marilynwilson trying to find something w/o High Fructose Corn Syrup is nearly impossible. in reply to marilynwilson #
- RT @marilynwilson: Sodas, junk foods and even V-8 can kill you because of the high fructose corn syrup http://bit.ly/90mb8B #
- RT @CVilleKim: Crozet School and Office Supply: so nice to work with a locally owned business. #
- Best Dr. appt ever. In & out in 20 minutes. Punctual for the first time in years. #
- RT @steinarknutsen: RT @Ed_Dale: Introducing Google Places – CRUCIAL google announcement on local search!!!!!!! http://is.gd/bAAVz #
- RT @Merrittprop: RT @EntMagazine: New Tax Laws Galore for Small Business Owners http://entm.ag/9FPDaZ #taxtips [should just go #FairTax #
- Mother's Day is Coming up. http://post.ly/bocq #
- Fannie Shortens Wait for Some Distressed Borrowers to Get New Loans http://post.ly/biOn #
- I think I'm looking forward to the #RPR webinar on Thurs. #
- @mattdollinger If life's a beta when do we get to the full release? in reply to mattdollinger #
- RT @robhahn: New Notorious: http://bit.ly/c7nbis a bit of a departure from my normal topics… but WTH… #
- I fear Facebook's endgame more than Google's. #
- Traffic in #CVille is *awful* today. 250 Bypass, Rugby, Preston are all jammed up. #
- Can an HTC Hero replace a Blackberry Curve? #
- It’s Time For An Open Database Of Places [amen] http://post.ly/bbN9 #
- Dear Verizon: I am getting ready to switch to Sprint. Can you convince me to stay? #
- @jaemery No way to change the system, unfortunately. in reply to jaemery #
- Got here early to get some work done. (@ Virginia Association of REALTORS) http://4sq.com/7NVbtS #
- On my way to Richmond for yet another Realtor Professionalism meeting. It's become tiresome & seemingly futile. #
- @TomRoyce if only those in Congress who are depriving us of their business prowess & innovation would go to the private sector … in reply to TomRoyce #
- RT @AdamBitely: RT @KenShepherd: Dear Sen. Schumer: if you think you can run an airline so well, why not leave (cont) http://tl.gd/u5461 #
- @mattdollinger Analysises-z in reply to mattdollinger #
- RT @mattdollinger: To all who diss "traditional" marketing-Google’s Creating A Leaflet.A Guide To The Internet.Seriously. http://ow.ly/1A0kk #
- Prepping a few market analyses. #
- Finished showing land. Now to look for ticks. I've found two on me already. #
- In Realtor-world, Saturday is Monday, Sunday is Tuesday. When is Friday? (ans: whenever I choose) … Off to show land then houses. #
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