Woolen Mills – Streets are Made For Walking

These Streets are Made for Walkin’ (not fire engines) .

I talked about Woolen Mills a couple years ago in my Charlottesville Neighborhoods series:

Topography: Gently rolling hills, sidewalks in many places

Housing Prices: Unfortunately, there is no good way to search for homes for sale in the Woolen Mills area, other than looking at the results and knowing which streets are within the Woolen Mills ‘hood. Generally, prices range from $225k to $550k.¨

House Styles: More varied than most neighborhoods. Bungalow to Cottage to traditional single family to the occasional townhouse to a small new “green development

Proximity to Green Spaces: Good. Meade Park is quite close¨

Broadband Internet Coverage: 100%¨

Schools: Check out the City’s interactive (school district) map, generally Woolen Mills kids will go to the Burnley-Moran elementary school.


Update – check out the Blair-Seay house, and the accompanying history.


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