- RT @JasonSandquist: Here’s Why They Can’t Plug That Gulf Oil Leak [INFOGRAPHIC] http://post.ly/eOGa #
- RT @gingergermani: So happy to see the Crozet Farmers Market open! [Anyone get pictures? http://bit.ly/aXWqwM ] #
- RT @darylefw: Charlottesville, VA has got to be in the top ten of most beautiful cities in the world. [amen] #
- Soccer is over. Time to see my wife. #
- @janetdmiller circa 2004 Charlottesville http://bit.ly/ag9p7x re: donuts #
- Soccer. #
- At some point, I should plan/schedule/prepare for NARMidyear in DC. #
- @mayaREguru We do it because everyone else is. The value is undefined, but lemming mentality persists. We think “can” rather than “should” in reply to mayaREguru #
- @mayaREguru in reply to mayaREguru #
- If anyone wants a ticket to Parachute tonight, let me know. $13. I’m @nestrealty right now. #
- After an email from potential clients who don’t value my time, I get a great email from clients who do. Day. Made. #
- Showing a house in Keswick. What a great day to be outside. #
- Pantops traffic on 250 into #cville is backed up nearly to the gas stations. Just because. #
- Just saw a Delorean on 64. I didn’t see the flux capacitator. #
- Funniest thing I’ve seen today. By far. http://post.ly/eEHs #
- Curious – which Charlottesville builders use local labor? cc: @JessicaJaglois @hanchettjim #
- Just got a call from a potential client from Russia moving to Crozet. The world is flat. And smaller than ever. #
- RT @ChadRatliff: Feds move much more quickly to plug holes when corps spill cash than they are when corps spill oil. #
- @JohnDMcClung @REcrab One can’t disconnect agent from brand, but many try to disconnect brands from agents in reply to JohnDMcClung #
- RT @JohnDMcClung: RT @REcrab: My experience us that bad agents always reflect poorly on the brokerage #
- RT @NASA: Oil spill, Gulf of Mexico: Satellite view Thursday a.m. from NASA’s Terra. http://go.usa.gov/ipX #
- RT @mattrathbun: @TomRoyce @JimDuncan @ProfessionalOne I have always contended it’s the Broker & not the name on the sign [*most* not all 🙂 #
- RT @AndreaRealtor: @ProfessionalOne @JimDuncan I am still not sure most brands get it [they don’t. w/ scale comes loss of accountability] #
- @ProfessionalOne Humbled. #FF #RTB in reply to ProfessionalOne #
- @ProfessionalOne Yeah, but a bad agent could damage a brand too, and many (most) big brands don’t show that they care. #
- Thanks @JessicaJaglois for calling on me today & for using a good segment of me for the news. RE: homebuyer tax credit http://bit.ly/a1i88y #
- RT @1000wattmarc: @KyeGrace Here’s a thing, they are worth billions off of our content. What do we get in return? A poke every now and then? #
- @superninjarobot @cindylinsf that’s all the push I needed. Plaxo account – deleted. in reply to superninjarobot #
- RT @ReggieRPR: NAR Game Changer Award Leads to #RPR Mobile Web: Blog http://bit.ly/cVmZNR [using it right now] #
- RT @cindylinsf: i think plaxo is a bit spammy and useless. someone proves me wrong. [Agreed] #
- @DocuSign I think I love you. #
- @mrg7175 But it was all borrowed money. http://bit.ly/9QsBXY #
- And then you have the banjo and fiddle players http://post.ly/e1u3 #
- Hula-hooping fiddle player on the Downtown Mall http://post.ly/e1ms #
- Getting a grilled cheese and a poem in my pocket @RevSoup #
- Seriously @Musictoday ? $6.50 for “service fees” for a show that’s *2 blocks* from my office? #
- RT @hanchettjim: Just got call from #CBS19 #039;s Cheryn Stone. Truly bizarre incident in court involving a violin. Story at noon [good tease] #
- A morning of #RPR mobile learning. #
- RT @robhahn: Good morning, sinners. Not a cloud in the sky… sadly, same can’t be said for the economy… keep on keeping on! #
- RT @rhukill: Today’s odd random google search: ‘why can’t I own a canadian?’ #
- We all make mistakes. I am remarkably impressed w/ Julie’s willingness to share. http://bit.ly/9H1SHd #
- Huh. Two trains passing by my office. don’t often see that. #
- Attempting to control chaos. At least I’m not bored. #
- The tax credit is ending! The tax credit is ending! #
- Closed on a house today with clients I first talked to on 16 January of last year. I’m grateful for their patience & persistence. #
- RT @chrisbaskind: BREAKING: Coast Guard says new estimate of Gulf oil leak is 5 TIMES higher. 3rd leak now yielding 5,000 barrels/day. [WOW] #
- @PhxREguy Is that show still on? #idol in reply to PhxREguy #
- @1000wattmarc It seems that FB is trying to, instead of creating a bigger walled garden, telling the plants where & how to grow & interact in reply to 1000wattmarc #
- @1000wattmarc I’m not liking FB’s ‘architecting’ my online life. This guy says it nicely http://bit.ly/cJDF6H in reply to 1000wattmarc #
- It’s a good thing I have a policy to not tweet or write about currents contracts/negotiations. I’d have lot of regrets otherwise #
- Just stepped outside. Park Street is still a mess. #cville #
- In a closing. Wonderful clients. #
- RT @bradramsey: AVOID Park Street, fire near downtown AND weird accident near intersection with 250 #
- Is it worth the risk to drill off Virginia’s coast? http://post.ly/dnlN #
- @robhahn “Big” should be redefined as well. Yesterday’s “big” is not viable. in reply to robhahn #
- @robhahn @mikesimonsen @jafantechi @PhxREguy There *can* be advantages from a bigger brand; there hasn’t been for years. in reply to robhahn #
- RT @GetOpenSpace: @getopenspace Free Member Lunch, May 5th – 12 to 2 pm! Come mingle and munch on yummy Zazus. #
- RT @HomePartner:3 different home pricing indexes were released in the last ten days.Steve Harney makes sense of it all. http://bit.ly/cHCqX3 #
- Heading to a home inspection in a few minutes. #
- Chiles Orchard opens this weekend! http://post.ly/dl5D #
- RT @PARhank: @RealtorTed Problem isn’t that complaint HAS TO BE filed, it’s that complaint ISN’T filed. (cont) http://tl.gd/122ah2 #
- Anyone coach soccer? I need some drills for speed/reaction/aggression. quickly! 🙂 #
- Guy on unicycle at Cherry/Ridge http://post.ly/db7j #
- RT @chrisbrogan: Part crazy, part awesome – soccer ball energy charger – http://bit.ly/clVvyg (shared it also on @broganmedia) #
- @KathyDipp Not. Audi. IMHO in reply to KathyDipp #
- Morning in Crozet, Virginia http://post.ly/dZo8 #
- RT @ReneeRevetta: @jessicaleap @Marijean @JimDuncan @DRPnet #tweetup details if you can make it! http://bit.ly/b4Pfhm [I’m out] #
- @ProfessionalOne I’ve been in this business for 9 years & consider myself “new” in reply to ProfessionalOne #
- This morning’s weather is stunningly perfect. #justsayin #
- RT @mrg7175: I will be on WINA @ 7:40 talking about the 4/30 Tax Credit deadline [ The credit was too costly. http://bit.ly/9S58wt ] #
- Charlottesville and Crozet Attached Homes Market Update – as of 27 April 2010 http://post.ly/dWeg #
- Crozet, Earlysville, Greenwood, Keswick, North Garden, Scottsville real estate market statistics – single family hom… http://post.ly/dWe8 #
- Charlottesville real estate market statistics – single family homes – update – as of 27 April, 2010 http://post.ly/dWdJ #
- Charlottesville real estate market statistics – single family homes – update – as of 27 April, 2010 http://post.ly/dWcF #
- Charlottesville Regional Real Estate Market – Regional Overview – as of 27 April 2010 http://post.ly/dWbO #
- Charlottesville real estate market statistics – condo & attached homes – update – as of 27 April, 2010 http://post.ly/dWbC #
- @Vanessa213 If you’re interested in helping w/ the Crozet Farmer’s market – http://bit.ly/akzvAf in reply to vanessa213 #
- #CvilleTweetUp tomorrow at lunch? #
- Think that Craig Builders should bring fiber to their Old Trail townhomes. It’s really close already! #
- @KrisBerg re: customers – they haven’t done such a good job (so far). I’ll have a +140 character response soon. #
- Apparently Verizon mobile phone service is down in Crozet (at least for me). Mobile internet is working #
- Nothing better than walking to school with the little one & stopping at the Mudhouse (@ Mudhouse) http://4sq.com/8OMBRM #
- I. Can’t. Wait. http://post.ly/dGA6 #
- I’m not solely in the business of “selling houses.” I help people & families relocate, acclimate to & integrate into communities. #
- RT @PhilBaumann: Facebook is the Walmart of Social Media. #
- If you want to get involved with the Crozet Farmer’s Market (& we home you do!) – http://bit.ly/akzvAf #
- Looking for healthy food in Charlottesville? http://bit.ly/aTYrD6 Great suggestions here #
- Another day showing property in Crozet; leaning towards new construction. #
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