- Can anyone get me an #agentstorm invitation? #
- RT @aimeefausser: RT @edgery: RT @pourmecoffee Yikes. Underwater oil plume: "10 miles long, 3 miles wide (cont) http://tl.gd/1aja05 #
- It saddens me that liability has to be discussed re: railroads in Crozet. "Don't let a train sneak up on you" seems sufficient advice #
- RT @natfriedman: RT @JPBarlow: Stockholm Software: Facebook needn't worry. Windows has held its angry market hostage for 25 years. #
- I just ousted Peter H. as the mayor of bellair market on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/94RbLi #
- Showing condos in the city. Sad seeing some foreclosures deteriorate over time. #
- I know that I've been hacked. http://post.ly/g7yO #
- What responsibility does FB have to offer "privacy"? It's a private org & people keep using it. Let the market decide. #
- @bewbmeister Yep. @6sync removed it, I'm in the process of sorting things out. Thanks so much! in reply to bewbmeister #
- I'd really like to be doing something other than trying to get my site un-hacked and re-googleable. #
- RT @bewbmeister: usually i would suggest you buys to buy something, but if you guys ever need a VPS you must consider @6sync hosting. #
- Sweet. @6sync , my awesome host is helping me. HIGHLY recommended folks #
- I just ousted @johnmost as the mayor of Crozet Park & Pool on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/bPuOkS #
- I've been hacked. And I'm trying to fix it. Curses. #
- Need a wordpress guru. STAT. Preferably in Charlottesville! #cville #
- RT @tcar: BOD votes to expand COE Article 10 to include sexual orientation #midyear Personally, this makes me very proud. #midyear #
- Apparently my site has been hacked. And I'm off to coach soccer. Help. #
- Virginia's #2 Virginia's #2 http://bit.ly/9QdLDp Oh, wait, that's bad. #
- RT @DaniloB: An RE.net legend, awesome guy and friend needs our help http://bit.ly/ccvv3r #fb #
- Playing chess w/ small one while she enjoys a dreamsicle slushie. (@ Mudhouse) http://4sq.com/8OMBRM #
- I just became the mayor of Parkway Pharmacy on @foursquare! #
- Crozet's "the Square" is being fenced off http://post.ly/g14q #
- RT @CrozetGazette: CSX is fencing off The Square now. Pictures and details coming soon. [The whole thing?] #
- Huh? http://tweetphoto.com/22376588 #
- RT @lostremote: Tennessee lawmakers go after AP reporter for taking photos of collapsed House speaker. http://bit.ly/cu5gam #
- HUGE Thanks to @BHutchinson for the extensive comment re: Charlottesville Airport http://bit.ly/bPO5Yt #
- @ProfessionalOne the only Code of Ethics complaint I have filed was against another Realtor who stole content. in reply to ProfessionalOne #
- Looking for a Middleburg Realtor to do a few market analyses. Anyone? #Midyear #
- Just finished up two offers with @DocuSign . Awesome. #midyear #
- RT @skydiver: Well done @gothamist for kicking CNN/MSNBC/NY!'s ass on coverage – Big ups for #citizenjournalism #
- @robhahn but can Artisan scale? Does it have to? #
- @robhahnbut can Artisinal scale? #
- Thinking about dinner. #midyear sorry for the noise @respres 🙂 #
- RT @tcar: The @garrons strategy to email management "Just give up. It's liberating" #midyear /via @PhxREguy << werd #
- RT @tcar: and @robhahn lobs what he thinks is a softball at the panel. im not sure rob understands softballs. #midyear /via @housechick< lol #
- RT @mayaREguru: Sigh. Book plug or useful forum. #why #
- RT @PhxREguy: Sometimes I think my phone is my "indispensable technology"…. #midyear [w/o my phone,I'm out of business] #
- @sbonert People are shockingly & incredibly complacent w/ their information on FB in reply to sbonert #
- That was easy. #midyear such a no-brainer. #
- Pro Standards Comm passes Code of Ethics change that adds sexual orientation to the "don't discriminate against" Article 10 #
- The Pro Standards meeting is persistent mind-numbing monotony interspersed by occasional opportunity for big changes #midyear #
- RT @Jason: MUST READ:Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won't Help Facebook's Privacy Problems http://bit.ly/bDx0A5 #
- RT @BawldGuy: Best post of the week — shortest too. http://bit.ly/b0GWRO #
- RT @PARhank: Expect some potential Standard Forms changes if the MLS rules get final approval. [Luckily that'll only take 12-18 months :)] #
- I'm at Omni Shoreham Hotel w/ @bkmcae. http://4sq.com/8YaCqn #
- RT @pearsonified: FALSE. Forcing small businesses to report and track additional information is a HUGE tax. It's (cont) http://tl.gd/19d0n5 #
- I'm just over an hour away from #midyear Any "don't miss" meetings? #
- RT @phxreguy: I think it's pitiful MLS needs a *rule* to force agents to use pics. Unless seller says no you're (cont) http://tl.gd/19c5p3 #
- RT @pcdr: RT @tcar: Listening to @phxreguy talk about my favorite social network, IRL. #midyear [is that in beta yet?] #
- I wish I could filter Facebook links from my Twitter stream. #
- RT @jcunwired: What? City of Charlottesville forces childrens' art to be painted over? Tandem School mural should stay, we're an art town. #
- One year I'll head to #midyear having booked a hotel room in advance. This won't be that year. #
- Ira Glass on the Building Blocks of Storytelling – via Common Craft http://post.ly/fomf #
- I'll be heading to #midyear soon. yay. #
- RT @mattwilkins: The TRUE cost of the Sprint HTC EVO is revealed http://bit.ly/aiSNBx [dammit] #
- RT @mrlerner: "Rail, biking, & walking infrastructure is the backbone of urban development" http://bit.ly/9yIGiG Atlantic arti by Leinberger #
- Waiting to meet a client about a potential listing in C'Ville. #
- @ProfessionalOne Perhaps. But a more educated consumer can effectively neutralize other sides' "representation". Theoretically. 🙂 in reply to ProfessionalOne #
- @ProfessionalOne By insisting on single agent dual agency, customer essentially removes agent's ability to advise his "client" in reply to ProfessionalOne #
- I'm thinking that if a buyer is unrepresented & buying from the listing agent, customer should *insist* on single agent dual agency. #
- Car no longer on Fire in Crozet http://post.ly/fjnd #
- Car on fire outside UVA Credit Union in Crozet http://post.ly/fjWZ #
- Photos from today's press conference in Crozet about the Pedestrian Safety Grant http://post.ly/fjQG #
- Note: NAR is *not* using the "there has never been a better time to buy" line. Outrage. Doused. thanks @hilarymarsh #
- Extending sidewalks will help kids walk to school http://post.ly/fj1k #
- Talking about Pedestrian Safety grant for Crozet http://post.ly/fj1B #
- Apparently I'm speaking at today's press conference. I had no idea. #
- Will Charlottesville airport be getting more flights? http://bit.ly/aWl1rF #
- RT @PARhank: Stinton confirms #rpr will go direct to brokers if MLS doesn't opt in…because it is a MEMBER benefit for ALL members [hmmmm] #
- RT @JohnDMcClung: Speaker says short sale = 100 points on credit score foreclosure = 200 can Anyone confirm [?] #
- RT @tcar: At the Risk Management Committe, Social Media Brokerage Policy debate. #midyear [what are the thoughts?] #
- Riding my bike to a listing meeting in Crozet. #mycarbonfootprintisbigenough #
- RT @ocargad: Finally a little honesty #bof RPR is intended to make money for NAR as an AVM #midyear #rpr #
- @FCBR @RealtorAction *why* should Realtors support HR 5072? http://bit.ly/bqZSMD #midyear cc: @TBWSD http://bit.ly/cnV0Kf in reply to FCBR #
- Looking at the agenda for the NAR Professional Standards meeting tomorrow; it doesn't appear that there's much to discuss. #midyear #
- RT @superninjarobot: "Rules often fill the void where common sense should go." ['Nuf said] #
- "We’re whitewashing Zuckerberg’s fence" http://post.ly/fgon #
- RT @mrg7175: #midyear disappointed that the "there has never been a better time to buy" is still the party line @ NAR [SHAMEFUL] #
- Again, the Daily Show *nails* it. — "We have a shi*ty boat" http://post.ly/fcQh #
- RT @jonbenya: @JimDuncan I was just discussing your beard the other day! [My beard!?] #
- I just donated to help @jfsellsius http://bit.ly/bMLzNZ – have you? #
- RT @jonbenya: An E-Pro social media course? Could the designation suddenly become useful? #nar #midyear [no.] #
- RT @robhahn: One of the best arguments for repealing the Fair Housing Act I've seen in a while… http://nyti.ms/cBhwTX @jonathanmiller #
- Hmmm … just shared my location with Twitter. I should visit the Twitter page more often. How old is that? #
- RT @Emarieg: FINALLY have someone interested in my house. Hope it yields an big $ offer by next week. #
- Link to the FHA reform bill @askNAR says Realtors should support – http://bit.ly/9E2wh8 #midyear #
- Crozet Real Estate Market Update – As of 11 May 2010 (tag:22932)) http://post.ly/fa2C #
- @mattcase Classy. #REsummit #midyear in reply to mattcase #
- Albemarle County & City of Charlottesville Real Estate Market Update & Overview – as of 11 May 2010 http://post.ly/fa1q #
- Albemarle County Single Family Homes – Real Estate Market update – as of 11 May 2010 http://post.ly/fa1o #
- City of Charlottesville – Single Family Homes – Real Estate Market update – as of 11 May 2010 http://post.ly/fa1J #
- Crozet Attached homes – Real Estate Market update – as of 11 May 2010 http://post.ly/fa1B #
- City of Charlottesville Condos & Attached Homes – Real Estate Market update – as of 11 May 2010 http://post.ly/fa17 #
- Albemarle County Single Family Homes – Real Estate Market update – as of 11 May 2010 http://post.ly/fa0u #
- Albemarle County Single Family Homes – Real Estate Market update – as of 11 May 2010 http://post.ly/fZzo #
- Charlottesville-Albemarle Condos & Attached Homes – Real Estate Market update – as of 11 May 2010 http://post.ly/fZzd #
- @mattdollinger re: sign of the times – http://bit.ly/b2R8GD #
- RT @gingerw: This breaks my heart… New onTPREG: Joe Ferrara Needs Our Help – http://tpreg.com/cUqm1e /via @PhxREguy #
- RT @karirippetoe: #cville Droid users: Do you have a carrier preference or recommendation based on coverage here in Charlottesville? #
- @EatAtEppies I'll offer my palate to taste-test any of your "top secret" dishes. For the good of the people, of course. in reply to EatAtEppies #
- Finishing up a home inspection. #
- RT @UVALaw: Public Works: Free Access to LexisNexis for Public Interest Work http://bit.ly/dfLKcW #
- RT @ktgeek: The solution to most problems: EMP [I want one. Just a little one though.] #
- WTH, youtube? #
- Lunch @EatAtEppies today was *outstanding* #
- I'm at Eppie's (412 E. Main St., Charlottesville). http://4sq.com/dhgnVe #
- RT @WSJ: Fannie Mae will require an additional $8.4 billion in government aid http://on.wsj.com/aRcCkn #
- @TomRoyce but the recession's over. that can't be. in reply to TomRoyce #
- Companies with the word "integrity" in their names make me chuckle. What are they trying to deflect? #
- RT @nicoleradziwill: Congrats @orderTopia on making the front page of the cville @DailyProgress !! #
- @seancarp The issue for me is that big businesses/banks get bailouts while consumers do not. Quoth Marcellus Wallace: http://bit.ly/dr9oTO in reply to seancarp #
- @@LoCoHeather Thursday meeting, leaving either that night or Friday morning. 🙂 As of yet, I haven't thought about where I'm staying. #
- @gregslateragent @mrg7175 After watching that segment on #60minutes defaulting strategically makes a lot of sense. in reply to gregslateragent #
- I wish I had the luxury of spending this week in DC for #NAR However, I will be working & playing with my family. #
- @sbonert @seancarp @AtlantaPR seemed to be a fluff piece.Disappointing "reporting" from #60minutes I can see more defaulting after the story in reply to sbonert #
- @sbonert decent story on #60minutes tonight. I wish there had been more probing questions a/b Morgan Stanley & Stuyvesant walkaways in reply to sbonert #
- @seancarp govt breaks obligations every day & has no moral shame. Congress have no shame. #60minutes in reply to seancarp #
- @seancarp I can argue both ways. Why is avg homeowner held to standard of shame when (big) business is not? in reply to seancarp #
- Do Census workers get paid by # of houses they confirm? #
- RT @mikesimonsen: @robhahn empire strikes back [point. Simonsen.] #
- @steverubel he counted on & used the peoples' attention deficiency to get elected. in reply to steverubel #
- At the Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival. (@ Crozet Park & Pool) http://4sq.com/bPuOkS #
- Thoughts on Mother's Day http://bit.ly/9SYrzt courtesy @robhahn #
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