Places 29 – What’s the Future of Route 29 (North)?

Places 29, Albemarle County’s plan for the 29 North Corridor is in its fifth year (at least) and public outreach meetings continue. Candidly, i suspect that this plan will continue to be yet another exercise is the County and county business leaders publicly demonstrating that their best interests are served by continuing the planning process while those citizens to actually drive 29 continue to lament the interminable planning and delays of the aforementioned “leaders.”

Learn more yourself this week:

• Monday, June 7, Open House at the Hollymead Fire Station from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
• Wednesday, June 9, Open House at the County Office Building, McIntire Road prior to the Board’s public hearing – 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm


From the Draft Preamble:

The Places29 Master Plan
The Master Plan covers the four Development Areas north of the City of Charlottesville: Neighborhood 1, Neighborhood 2, the Community of Hollymead, and the Community of Piney Mountain, as shown in Figure 1.2. This Master Plan is an adopted component of the Land Use section of the County’s Comprehensive Plan.

The Master Plan guides development of the Places29 area by setting forth a vision of the desired ultimate future condition for the area. There is no timeframe for the vision; in fact it may be decades before the area builds out in fulfillment of it.

However, to implement specific Plan recommendations, such as the recommended transportation improvements and community facilities, the plan relies on a 20-year planning horizon. This 20- year period is based, in part, on the longest realistic population projections available to the County. A 20-year period is also consistent with state requirements, the County’s Comprehensive Plan, and established planning practice. The Master Plan includes an implementation program that groups recommendations into those that will begin during the first ten years and those that will begin during the second ten years of the 20-year implementation timeframe.

Comprehensive coverage of the Places 29 project/process/plan at Charlottesville Tomorrow.


The Places29 Master Plan is designed to guide and direct future development in terms of land uses, transportation projects, and other infrastructure projects in the 14.5 square miles [1] four designated growth areas that surround the US 29 corridor through northern Albemarle County. If appproved by the Board of Supervisors, The Places29 Master Plan will be an adopted component of the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Much of the County’s future growth is expected to come in the Places29 area[2].

Will anything ever get built/developed/implemented?

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