- I love my clients; they just sent me one of the most thorough analyses I’ve seen. Unbiased. Unemotional. Accurate. #
- RT @gingerw: If Trader Joes delivered, I would be all over that. [they do in Charlottesville. Sort of. http://bit.ly/aTpQtE ] #
- @PhxREguy I’ve had this post in my head for 18 mos. The evolution – computer > email > IM > text/FB > ?? in reply to PhxREguy #
- @PhxREguy and how many minutes used? in reply to PhxREguy #
- @PhxREguy @Swanepoel I’d love to see monthly usage data for each communication form for a small sample. in reply to PhxREguy #
- @PhxREguy @Swanepoel And IM is rarely used by 14-18 year olds. Texting + FB = communication. Phone? Meh. IM? So 2008. in reply to PhxREguy #
- A good week: got to tell two clients they are no longer homeowners.
- RT @FreeRangeKids: Outrage of the Afternoon: School bans boy’s hat with plastic soldiers on it. Because the (cont) http://tl.gd/1vgj0i #
- $140 million to extend the homebuyer tax credit closing deadline. http://bit.ly/bllEBw It’s only money. That is, “money” #
- Batesville Broadband. Interesting. http://bit.ly/bg5N0m #
- Quite impressed/surprised by my ability to not yet upgrade to WordPress 3.0. Patience … #
- World class games demand world class refs. Sadly, that’s not the case. #usa #worldcup #
- RT @cornexo: Worst call ever. #
- The referees in the first two #worldcup games are tragically incompetent/negligent/deficient in every way. #
- “Look at the crowd. They are very excited.” John Harkes’ ability to understate the Americans’ equalizer is stunning. #
- That was a freaking AWESOME goal by Donovan!!! #worldcup #
- RT @ines: Sorry US but Slovenia is kicking your behind
#worldcup2010 [so disappointing] #
- Day shaken up. I’ll be watching the #worldcup in Crozet @Fardowners #
- RT @jessicachapin: Question of the day – how do you balance your desire to make a REAL difference in the world (cont) http://tl.gd/1v4ut3 #
- @TomRoyce I see your incompetence & raise you – Dr. Peter Lutz. http://bit.ly/alNpXG in reply to TomRoyce #
- @okaypaul I have a feeling I’ll be @shebeenworldcup too, just weighing the options in reply to okaypaul #
- @jessicaleap ESPN. Pretty much every bar in Charlottesville. Here are a few – http://bit.ly/alNpXG in reply to jessicaleap #
- Trying to decide where to watch the US play tomorrow morning #WorldCup #
- RT @PhxREguy Despite what MANY are saying, an extension to the closing deadline 4 homebuyer tax credit ISN’T LAW YET.[http://bit.ly/bllEBw ] #
- @MortgageDr touché. in reply to MortgageDr #
- RT @Emarieg: I hate negotiating. I don’t know how real estate agents do it every day. ugh. [Good ones keep the emotions out of the equation] #
- Has the homebuyer tax credit been extended? Maybe. http://bit.ly/bllEBw #
- Wondering: do birds crap everywhere this much or just on my signs? http://tweetphoto.com/27714222 #
- RT @CBS19Weather: Overnight — lows will drop into the upper 50s under mostly clear skies. What a nice night! [Outstanding!] #
- RT @Rick_Sincere: I liked a YouTube video — The Onerous Compliance Cost of the Internal Revenue Code http://youtu.be/XX8EswfGKQw?a #
- Finishing up a home inspection #
- RT @tcar: Check out PDF Hammer to combine pdf’s #rebcden [or – get a mac :)] #
- RT @PhxREguy: RT @AndyKaufman: WordPress 3.0 “Thelonious†is out! WhooHoo! http://ow.ly/1ZRKh [is it wrong to be mildly terrified?] #
- @mhj411 Just past K-Mart on Hydraulic Road in reply to mhj411 #
- New Whole Foods taking shape. http://tweetphoto.com/27661776 #
- Another good interaction w/ @tomperriello‘s office. I disagree vehemently, but appreciate the thorough response. #
- Charlottesville folks: any thoughts on the ACAC Summer Camp? Good/bad/ugly? #
- @@cvilledave I suspect the Landmark Hotel will never be built. #
- RT @AndyKaufman: Has Curation Replaced Content as King? http://bit.ly/bKyItt | IMO good content will always be king. #
- I feel bad for the owners of The Box on the Downtown Mall http://post.ly/jkIJ #
- RT @BawldGuy: ‘Let me be clear. Some oil spilled. But Katrina. & make no mistake. I’m having meetings. In (cont) http://tl.gd/1u05rc #
- Wouldn’t cones be cheaper? #cville #govt http://tweetphoto.com/27534958 #
- Consumer Reports Home & Garden Blog: By the Numbers: U.S. single-family homes continue to get smaller http://post.ly/jjZM #
- Who needs an office? http://bit.ly/9sQE3d cc: @GetOpenSpace #
- RT @johnchapin: finally sold my car – it only took 8 months. We’re now officially a one car family! [outstanding!] #
- Benefit concert for the Haven this Friday http://post.ly/jiJo #
- Watching Spain – Switzerland on Univision. Seems they’ve tuned down the vuvuzelas too. Sweet. #WorldCup #
- Watching #worldcup – no beer for me though (@ Beer Run) http://4sq.com/4XdluS #
- @johnchapin yep; felt so good to play again. I think we’re looking to merge w/ someone in the fall. in reply to johnchapin #
- RT @USHUD: Fannie, Freddie To Delist Stock From U.S. Exchanges – WSJ.com http://ow.ly/1ZcVD [I feel better RT-ing @wsj than@foxnews] #
- RT @USHUD: FOXNews.com – Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae Ordered to De-List From NYSE http://ow.ly/1ZcPA [well, that’s comforting] #
- I’d really like it to not rain today. Soccer game this afternoon.
- RT @bookofjoe: Re: BP: It’s impossible to imagine a surgeon proceeding with an operation if she isn’t capable of (cont) http://tl.gd/1tcnh4 #
- Having commentators who understand & sound like they understand soccer is a huge improvement vs last #WorldCup Thanks, #ESPN #
- Calling internationally via Google Voice: cheap. Reaching my client in Charlottesville on his mobile to negotiate an offer: priceless. #
- It always comes down to compensation. Fix (as in correct)
that, and we could have something. http://post.ly/jbqu #
- Could this type of apprenticeship work for Realtors? #RTB http://post.ly/jbqu #
- I just became the mayor of Foxchase Landing Subdivision on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/ayo9rB #
- RT @mikewhenderson: Why is the govt ripping oil executives for having no plan? The govt has no plan 4 getting (cont) http://tl.gd/1t5bev #
- Off to show a lot. It’s a lot more comfortable outside today than yesterday. #
- Announcer: “Any contact, Ronaldo’s going to go down. Maybe even a puff of wind.” #Worldcup What a waste #
- Got my answer from @tomperriello‘s office re: tax credit. In under an hour. Awesome. #
- Talked to @TomPerriello‘s office; hoping they can find/get me a copy of Sen. Reid’s Amndt re: housing credit extension http://bit.ly/bUsZxr #
- Finally home and settling; loving the ESPN2 HD recap of today’s #WorldCup which I missed b/c I was out all day. #
- RT @Bob_Bruner: Bubble in higher education? See http://bit.ly/ajH5XD #
- Just played my first soccer gam in a year+ since injuring my ankle. It felt awesome & exhausting. Missed it enormously. #
- @robhahn @DocuSign Did an offer in about 30 minutes yesterday & saving me ~3 hours today. in reply to robhahn #
- I love @DocuSign. That is all. #
- RT @r: What I learned about soccer this weekend: Vuvuzelas are to watching #worldcup what spam is to e-mail. #
- Listening to a lifeguard say, “I used to be a really good swimmer.” Really. #
- @NRVLiving I use backblaze too, but liked having a local copy. bother. Stupid Apple. in reply to NRVLiving #
- @sashafarmer Time Machine up & died. I woke up this morning to no wireless to find that there was no power, lights, nothin’ On backup router in reply to sashafarmer #
- $2.44 for gas at the Greenwood gas station. 3 miles east in Crozet, gas is .25 more. WTH? #
- @okaypaul Had a blast @shebeenworldcup yesterday. Outstanding atmosphere. I love that soccer is so popular here. in reply to okaypaul #
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