Second Quarter Charlottesville Real Estate Market Report

The second quarter real estate market report has just been released by the Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors. Happy reading.

2010 2nd Qtr CAAR Market Report (PDF)

Keep in mind when reading this report that much of the data reported, unless otherwise specified, is for the entire MLS –

Right now:

There are 3040 homes on the market in Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa and Nelson.

– 784 are priced under $200k.

– 500 of these are single family.

– 86 are attached homes.

– 193 are condos.

– 3032 on the market.

– 2185 are single family.

– 285 are proposed single family.

– 192 are attached.

– 18 are proposed attached.

– 321 are condos.

– 22 are proposed condos.

Just for the City of Charlottesville:

– 378 on the market.

– 237 are single family.

– 12 are proposed single family.

– 37 are attached.

– 2 are proposed attached.

– 81 are condos.

– 9 are proposed condos.

Just for Albemarle:

– 1141 on the market.

– 758 are single family.

– 126 are proposed single family.

– 118 are attached.

– 13 are proposed attached.

– 114 are condos.

– 12 are proposed condos.

(Visited 128 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Joey Conover July 13, 2010 at 14:36


    Of 3040 homes on the market, you say that 500 are single fam, 86 are attached and 193 are condos. What are the remaining 2261?

  2. Jim July 13, 2010 at 15:00

    Joey – Fixed. I don’t know what I did wrong, but I broke out Albemarle and Charlottesville because I figured you’d be interested in that, too.

    BB – Absolutely, but remember that those selected by CAAR to speak to the press are obligated to speak the party line.

    I’m trying to make time to do a follow up to last week’s market update … but gratefully I’ve been pretty busy. 🙂

  3. Real Estate Search July 16, 2010 at 17:08

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