Charlottesville Twitter Week in Review

  • Date night. 🙂 #
  • Sitting outside the Left Field Gate at Nationals Park listening to Dave Matthews Band. Sound’s not bad. Nice date w/ my wife. 🙂 #
  • @ProfessionalOne I’ve had that preview 404 error for a few months. Haven’t made time yet to figure it out. in reply to ProfessionalOne #
  • Looking for things to do near Nationals Stadium during the Dave Matthews concert tonight. Suggestions? #
  • Looking for good news in Charlottesville’s housing data. It’s there. Not everywhere, but it’s definitely there. #
  • RT @bbalm: I really loved that spot for the Albemarle County Fair 🙁 It’s been great being on the Ferris Wheel (cont) #
  • You can’t make this stuff up. I’m at a total loss. #
  • Real estate blogging ain’t rocket science cc: @robhahn #
  • Reconciling the difference b/t what one thinks a house is worth & what the market thinks it’s worth is a difficult thing. #
  • Vent. #
  • Missing the #cvilletweetup but spending time with my kids. #win #
  • RT @TBoard: ntflix now has 15 million users. does that mean we need to figure out some way to use our accounts for marketing? #
  • @ProfessionalOne @PhxREguy to survive in Phoenix, I suggest a 2nd home in Charlottesville. in reply to ProfessionalOne #
  • RT @karirippetoe: Mornin’ all! Looking fwd to #cvilletweetup tonite organized by @gingergermani – who else is (cont) #
  • The Sinkhole grows
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