Buying a Home in Charlottesville – Looking in the Winter

Fewer homes come on the market in the winter. Active supply is lessened, but shadow inventory remains. Be patient, be smart, be informed … but if you find a house you love and you plan to stay for a while, why not consider buying?

Days on Market matter. And the doldrums are right around the corner:

So where do we go from here? Schools in the Charlottesville area start around the third week of August … and we have about three months left before the annual doldrums set in. October – People are focused on Halloween. November – Thanksgiving. December – Christmas, Hanukkah, Holidays. January – It’s cold.

See the entire Friday Charts series.

Raw data after the fold.

Have a question about the Charlottesville real estate market? Seen a house that intrigues you? Researching a neighborhood? Let me know and I’ll likely help in any way I can.

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