Charlottesville’s Getting a Movie Theater

After years of complaints, Charlottesville (Albemarle) is (probably) getting a movie theater with stadium seating. Following Waynesboro’s lead, Albemarle’s Planning Commission has narrowly approved plans for a new theater at the Hollymead Town Center.

An aside to Charlottesville’s paid journalists: Which took longer to get approval – the theater in Waynesboro or Albemarle?

Update 30 September 2010: Charlottesville’s getting another movie theater. With IMAX. (h/t cvillenews and his great headline)

And again with the insistence on a “new Main Street”. Please. Buy some creativity and originality. Charlottesville already has a Main Street.

(Visited 66 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Neil S. Williamson September 27, 2010 at 14:36

    After checking with the Planning Director in Waynesboro and researching the Albemarle file online, both applications took about the same amount of time for approval (4 months or so).

    1. Jim Duncan September 28, 2010 at 08:10

      Thanks, Neil!

      For some reason, I’m surprised that Albemarle’s timeline is about the same as Waynesboro’s.


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