Greene County Schools’ Growth

From the Greene County Superintendent’s blog:

Greene County Public School’s student population has grown by nearly 2% in 2010-2011. That is the second highest enrollment increase by percentage in our region. Harrisonburg City grew by an astounding 4.59%, but we outpaced Albemarle, Charlottesville, Louisa, Madison, Orange, Fluvanna, Rockingham, Staunton, and Nelson.

Interesting. I suppose that quite a bit of that growth can be attributed to NGIC/DIA as well as the fact that now that Greene has a Lowe’s and Super Wal-Mart people are more inclined to stay in Greene rather than always have to go to Charlottesville.

Also, I’d bet that that Hollymead Town CenterHarris Teeter and Target – derives a fair amount of their traffic from southern Greene County. (Preddy Creek neighborhood, for example)

The above post (and the subsequent comment) tracks with this comment in September here on RealCentralVA:

What the NGIC/DIA folks also need to consider is coming 10 minutes north to Madison County. Our schools have a 5 star accredation (sic) and the area is VERY safe and secure without the over development issue. If you want a small farm to keep a pony for the kids or a nice vegetable garden, going north may be the answer. The commute will still be shorter time wise than doing the Albemarle thing.

If you’re curious, you can search for homes for sale in Greene County. Search by Elementary School if you’d like.

Check out the Google Place Pages:

Ruckersville Elementary School

Nathanael Greene Elementary School

Greene County Primary School

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