Charlottesville is the 3rd Most Walkable City in Virginia

Don’t take just my word for it. Walkscore says Charlottesville is the third most walkable City in Virginia.

50% of Charlottesville residents have a Walk Score of 70 or above.

Charlottesville’s most walkable neighborhoods are Downtown, 10th And Page, Main-Starr Hill. Charlottesville’s least walkable neighborhoods are Charlottesville High, North East, Longwood Dr.

77% have a Walk Score of at least 50—and 23% live in Car-Dependent neighborhoods.

Downtown, Charlottesville - Restaurants, Hotels, and Landmarks on Walk Score.jpg

Search for the most walkable homes for sale in Charlottesville.

Most Walkable Homes in the City of Charlottesville:

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Most Walkable Single Family Homes for Sale in the City of Charlottesville:

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