Redfields Neighborhood Growing?

This is as good a time as any to remind people that if you don’t own that open space over there it’s liable to eventually become something you don’t like.

Charlottesville Tomorrow has the report that the Redfields neighborhood may be changing, in a way that upsets some current residents.

Local developer Gaylon Beights has petitioned the county to allow him to develop a 58-acre site as a new phase of Redfields. Some neighbors say they were promised that the land, located in Albemarle’s rural area, would be preserved as open space and they want the county to put the brakes on the planning for the 138-home rezoning.

When Gaylon Beights said:

“You can’t control what Realtors tell people,” he added. “We have never suggested this is perpetual open space.”

He might as well have been saying: trust but verify for yourself. Virginia is a caveat emptor state, which means that the onus of responsibility is ultimately on the buyer to do his or her due diligence when investigating a property.

Related Reading:

Read more about the Four Corners principle and Realtors’ roles.

A few of the homes for sale in Redfields.

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