Slightly Less Development at Cherry/Ridge Intersection

From the Daily Progress:

Charlottesville’s City Council rejected a proposal Tuesday that would have modified the development plan for the William Taylor Plaza mixed-used project at the corner of Cherry Avenue and Ridge Street.

The council voted 3-2 to reject changes proposed by the developer that would have expanded the project’s overall size and modified an affordable housing agreement included in the original plan. Mayor Dave Norrisand Councilor Kristen Szakos voted in favor.

The rezoning application filed by Southern Development would have increased the number of residences from 50 to 80 units and expanded the project’s size by 10,000 square feet, bringing its total to 110,000 square feet.

See a rendering of the proposed mixed-use development at Charlottesville Tomorrow.

In general, I think higher density is a good thing. People want to live close to thing; they want to be able to walk or bike to work and play. This project will allow for that. Walkability is a key factor to resale and purchasing decisions. But … trees and greenspace are important concerns and factors to quality of life. Balancing growth is a tightrope.

One question: what percentage (all?) of these units will be rented? Is this a step away from a push for homeownership by owner-occupants and a step towards renter nation?

For full background, read at Charlottesville Tomorrow.

While I appreciate the sentiment, this statement shows a disconnect from reality:

“I think affordable housing should come from the heart, and not for the need for low-income tax credits,” saidCouncilor Holly Edwards.

As an aside, Southern Development is also one of the success stories to come out of this recession. They were prepared and poised to take advantage of the opportunities presented to them.

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