UVA Match Day 2011 – Another New Beginning

Today is Match Day – the day when 4th year medical students find out (yes, I know, some of the more specialized programs match a bit earlier, and a fair amount of people have a good idea already where they’re going) where they’re going to spend the next several years for their medical Residencies.

What’s this mean for those of us analyzing the Charlottesville real estate market (as well as seeking to represent Residents buying homes in Charlottesville)?

“Traditionally UVA Residents comprise a fairly significant portion of the Charlottesville and Albemarle real estate market “ generally at least three bedrooms, two baths (usually) no more than 20 minutes to the UVA Medical Center – usually not too old as Medical Residents tend to be quite busy ”

What’s a Resident generally looking for?

No one likes to be described as “typical” but … the criteria for UVA Medical Residents tends to be consistent:

– At least three bedrooms
– At least two bathrooms
– Under $275k (some go higher, depending on their background, family support, etc)
– No more than twenty minutes from the UVA Medical Center.

Get started on learning the market here. Many new Residents, after analyzing the Charlottesville real estate market, determine that purchasing is a better option than renting. If you’re planning to be here for more than four years, this may very well be the case.

The question is – will they buy this year? Residents provide a much-needed stimulus (real, not fabricated) to the Charlottesville economy. Every year, new Residents match in Charlottesville; every year some rotate out to the next phase of the lives after completing their Residency.

To get acclimated, look at this map; once you eliminate at least two of the areas, your search will be much more efficient. You may find yourself going outside the confines of Charlottesville and Albemarle.

I’m wondering, does UVA live stream their Match Day?

It is my bold prediction that, not this year, but next year – 2012 – that it will be common practice for medical schools to live video stream their Match Day ceremonies. But, for this year, other than USF, does anyone out there know of other med schools doing this? ….

Looking back:

UVA Match Day 2010

Match Day at UVA 2009

UVA Match Day 2008

Match Day UVA 2007

Or, from a Twitter point of view:

Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Match Day! I hope it’s a lucky one for the med students.Thu Mar 17 10:51:58 via Echofon


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1 Comment

  1. Barrie Real Estate April 1, 2011 at 03:44

    UVA residents are good for those homebuyers and for those people who are looking for a place in Charlottesville to stay. And yes, many buyers today are wise, determining and understanding what real estate market Charlottesville have. If they are having same personality with the real estate, UVA is the choice of all. It is better to buy than to rent a house for now.


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