Wednesday Links – 14 April 2011

When I’m evaluating the Charlottesville area real estate market for my own professional edification and for my clients’ best interests, it’s crucial to be cognizant of national trends.* Here’s some of what I’m reading right now:

$4 Gasoline, Again. I agree with Bill when he says, “I think high gasoline prices are the top risk for the U.S. economy right now.”

Increasing Gas Prices and its impact on real estate – I’ve been saying this. For. Years.

Down payment proposal could make a mountain out of a mortgage Requiring 20% down payments on all loans would dramatically reduce the buyer pool, and thus demand. And likely lead to lower prices and significantly lower volume of transactions.

Rental costs are about to Take Off

Will the 30 Year Fixed Rate Mortgage be eliminated?

– When I’m in the mood to enjoy some Maker’s Mark, drive my blood pressure higher and get interminably frustrated and feel impotent, I think I’ll rent “Inside Job”.

* I still hold firm to the opinion that national real estate data trends – national levels of inventory, sales, volume, etc. – are irrelevant when discussing any local real estate market.

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