What Does “Livability” Mean in Charlottesville/Albemarle/UVA?

I’m curious what the meaning of the “Many Plans, One Community” partnership is. What are the goals? What do they hope to produce that will allow people of the Central Virginia region to move from here to there more efficiently, whether on foot, bike or automobile?

According to the draft consortium agreement, five major products will be produced as part of the partnership. These include:

• A performance measurement system,
• a common land-use and transportation map,
• identification of specific “livability strategies,”
• recommendations for changes to local regulations, and
• a plan for voluntary changes by the public and organizations to improve livability in the community.

I get that they’re going to be planning for sustainability, livability, measurability, etc.

Our community does not go wanting for planning; their primary deficiency lies with doing.

“It’s an opportunity to get in and learn a little bit about what we have been doing in past plans that gets us where we are right now,” said Cilimberg. “Part of this is a little bit of history and how we have evolved to where we are as a community in our planning processes.”

We might have advanced plans, but actual infrastructure, notsomuch.

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