Exploding Water Heater Demontrated – Thanks to Mythbusters

One of the most common items that is found on a home inspection is a missing/broken/leaking TPR* valve – a Temperature Pressure Relief valve. Basically, (someone who knows more than I, please correct me) if the water heater gets overloaded the TPR valve is where the water will go. Typically, it’s a few inches off the floor. One of the home inspectors I used to use would say that a hot water heater, given the right circumstances, would explode with the force of a stick of dynamite.

I was thinking about this today in a home inspection, and said that someone ought to suggest this to the Mythbusters. Turns out, they thought of this five years ago:

* Not a TPS report.

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  1. DougFrancis May 12, 2011 at 19:52

    this is a great story, and plan to share with @mdsuburbs

    1. Jim Duncan May 16, 2011 at 13:02

      I thought so. 🙂 I’d *love* to see this in person. Done deliberately and safely, that is. 


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