Charlottesville Real Estate Market Update: Transaction Volume for 2000 – 2011

Part Two of … See Part One – Charlottesville MSA – Single Family & Attached Homes Placed Under Contract – First Five Months

Looking at the Charlottesville MSA for transactional volume history … what we need is stability and consistency. Once we can reach a relatively stable number of transactions, I think we’l be able to start to see normalcy, whatever that is … maybe ~ 1000 transactions per year?

For the first five months of the year, what we’re looking at here is everything – single family detached homes, attached homes, new construction, resale, condos …

The Charlottesville area population has been increasing, so one would think that the number of transactions would be increasing as well …

Population History of Charlottesville, Virginia

FYI – The Wolfram Alpha page for Charlottesville, Virginia is pretty sweet.


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  1. Pingback: What’s Selling in Charlottesville? Single Family, Attached homes or Condos? |

  2. Pingback: Real Estate Round Up – Charlottesville Real Estate Market Update – May 2011 |

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