What’s Selling in Charlottesville? Single Family, Attached homes or Condos?

Part Three of …

One of the most common questions I get is – what is selling in Charlottesville and Albemarle? Condos? Attached homes? Single Family? A look at the data gives a look at some answers …


– I’m keeping this focused on only the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle as that is where the bulk of the attached homes and condos are located.

– Single family homes have come to be more affordable, leading to a decline in transactional volume within the condo and attached home segments of the market.

– 2005 was very good for condo conversions; now the condo conversions have been decimated in value.

– Attached homes can be very attractive – newer ones in good condition price right, especially so.

– Homeowners Associations’ fiscal health is likely to be more and more of an issue as this market correction continues to correct.


Part One: Charlottesville MSA – Single Family & Attached Homes Placed Under Contract – First Five Months

Part Two: Charlottesville Real Estate Market Update: Transaction Volume for 2000 – 2011


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  1. bastafidli June 7, 2011 at 15:48

    I have to say. I much more prefer longer posts with lots of substance, that these bitesize posts. It feels confusing and distracting to deal with all the clutter around these bitesize posts trying to make sense of the information you are trying to communicate. It is good stuff!

    1. Jim Duncan June 7, 2011 at 16:47

      Thanks, bastafili. I wavered between doing separate, targeted posts or one long one or doing a PDF of the whole thing. Really, time became the biggest factor … reframing/constituting this as a downloadable report probably would have been the best option but wasn’t viable due to time restrictions. 

      Please do ask any clarifying questions.


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