If You’re Looking for a Google Plus Invitation

google +

I have 150 invitations. I considered posting the invitations on Facebook, google plus, twitter, etc. but figured there might be more of a curious audience here.

If you’re interested in trying the social network that Jason Hiner says … “is the way Google always wanted social networking to work, and this time the company may have pulled it off.” and NPR says,

Google Plus is clearly cool. It’s shiny and new. More than 20 million people already signed up, by many estimates. That doesn’t mean Facebook users are ready to ditch their accounts — something they’ll need to do if Google Plus hopes to compete in the long-term. Most of the people I talked with still use Facebook. They say Google Plus feels empty.

I’m not sold on it yet, but I’ve never liked Facebook and g+ is a chance to start over applying the lessons I’ve learned on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook …

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