Stonefield’s Historical Context in Albemarle

As seen on Twitter:

ARB discussion regarding Stonefield (White Brick vs Red Brick). Wright decries lack of historical context - wants full redesign

Read that again: “ARB discussion regarding Stonefield (White Brick vs Red Brick). Wright decries lack of historical context – wants full redesign”

The “historical context” of what? The 29 corridor?

The Architectural Review Board should provide examples of what “context” would be acceptable, because the existing Route 29 corridor provides little “appropriate” context.

The Free Enterprise Forum notes:

The implications for the economic vitality of the development areas and the regulatory burdens placed on such development are significant.

I wonder … how much delay is Trader Joe’s willing to withstand before they pull out?


As I said just last month:

So, what exactly is the character? I looked at the existing “entrance corridor”:

Seminole Square mall – Cheeseburger in Paradise, the Express Car Wash, Chili’s, strip with Sprint and the UPS Store, on the east side of 29, Burger King, and lots of parking lots. Stonefield is replacing the old Blockbuster and 7-11, and lots of trees and natural landscape. Continue south on 29 and you’re met with KFC and Best Buy.

If the ARB truly wanted to be consistent, the Shops at Stonefield would have to emulate trees.

Saying now that Stonefield should emulate the historical character of the area sounds spiteful.
Charlottesville Tomorrow reports:

“I’ve said this from the very beginning, and I don’t think I have been heard up until now, that there is no context for the current drawings that I have seen,” said board member Paul Wright. “If you use the cinema as your template for the rest of the design, you will not be successful. For the Trader Joe’s building, I can see almost nothing except the use of stone that is appropriate for this corner.”

The HooK has posted the PDF of the plans for the Shops at Stonefield.
If you’re interested in the history of Stonefield (originally Albemarle Place, start here)

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1 Comment

  1. Waldo Jaquith August 17, 2011 at 12:23

    Having a huge, new building on a major intersection that faces away from that intersection is just dumb. The freaking loading docks are the view from 29/Hydraulic. That’s the opposite of the human-scale new urbanism that Albemarle ostensibly supports. Thousands of people are going to be looking at the ass end of a shopping center every day. I don’t think it’s asking too much that a building face the road.


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