Don’t Mind Me, I’m New in Town – A Look at City and County Lines

Or … a big giant “d’oh” … with an “I’m sorry” to the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board.

Remember in July when I mused about the ARB process and Stonefield (formerly Albemarle Place):

So, what exactly is the character? I looked at the existing “entrance corridor”:

Seminole Square mall – Cheeseburger in Paradise, the Express Car Wash, Chili’s, strip with Sprint and the UPS Store on the east side of 29, Burger King, and lots of parking lots. Stonefield is replacing the old Blockbuster and 7-11, and lots of trees and natural landscape. Continue south on 29 and you’re met with KFC and Best Buy.

If the ARB truly wanted to be consistent, the Shops at Stonefield would have to emulate trees.

Turns out …

Cheeseburger in Paradise, the Express Car Wash, Chili’s the strip with Sprint and the UPS Store on the east side of 29, Burger King and lots of parking lots … are in the City of Charlottesville, not the County of Albemarle.

I’ve been living in Charlottesville/Albemarle for only 23 years (I’m 35 now) … so I’m still learning my way around.

So … my apologies to the Albemarle Architectural Review Board.If your browser doesn’t have the Google Earth Plugin, try going here where you’ll be prompted to install it.

Note the Green Line:

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