The Festy Experience 2011 at Devil’s Backbone Brewery

Devil’s Backbone Brewery hosted the 2nd Annual Festy Experience last weekend, and I was hugely impressed, not only because it was perfect weather, great camping, phenomenal music, great food and beer and clean grounds … I also was lucky to hear from friends who had driven for several hours to attend. They were unanimous in their agreement that those of us who live here are privileged to live in such proximity to such a wonderful festival.

The Festy is extraordinarily kid-friendly and offers plenty of opportunities for a not-so-kid friendly experience; next year I’ll probably take my little one.

I highly, highly recommend you visit next year (or head on down to Devil’s Backbone Brewery now; it’s gorgeous and you can stop at Blue Mountain Brewery on the way as well).

Sometimes it takes “tourists” to remind us that we live in a pretty awesome place.

Devils Backbone - No Festy Devils Backbone Brewery's Festy

Devil's Backbone - Post-Festy   Devil's Backbone Brewery - With Festy

Devil's Backbone Brewery

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