Best Christmas Lights in Charlottesville (area)

Updated December 2018

A little help would be appreciated.¦ I know there are more out there. Where are the best Christmas lights in Charlottesville?

Here’s a link to the map.

So far, here’s the list

If you’re interested, these are the some of the best places to get Christmas trees in the Charlottesville area, and this story explains and dispels some of the mythology around Dr. Seuss, the Grinch, Hooville and Charlottesville.


Bonus: If you’re looking for homes/neighborhoods in the Charlottesville area, this is a great time to drive around and get a feel of the neighborhoods.


Update 18 December 2011Gary Kriebel sent me the following map (his GPS cut out a little bit at the end) and this kml file (download it and open it in Google Earth) of his family’s trip around Charlottesville on the Gingerbread Express,  a tour put on by the Downtown Business Assocation. While it looks like the tour itself is over, you can take it yourself using the map below :


Gingerbread Express


And this is a map of these four locations, from Charlottesville to Ivy to Crozet.

Update 23 December 2011:

Donna sent in these pics (not the map … I’m having wordpress issues) –

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  1. Pingback: Where can I find the Christmas Lights in Charlottesville?

  2. Megan December 16, 2011 at 08:26

    So, there is a short stretch of some crazy houses on Preddy Creek Rd in between the two Preddy Creek subdivisions in Greene County! Not a whole lot of houses, but it is an intense small area!!!

    1. Jim Duncan December 16, 2011 at 08:44

      Thanks, Megan. I’ve added that to the map.

  3. Stacey December 16, 2011 at 08:42

    There’s a house with lights that are synchronized to music in Westhall.

    1. Jim Duncan December 16, 2011 at 08:44

      Really? That’s outstanding. Thanks, Stacey!

  4. Jocelyn December 17, 2011 at 00:31

    Fairway Ave in Cville is worth a drive if you’re in the neighborhood.  Elliott Ave is also worth a pass.

    1. Jim Duncan December 17, 2011 at 09:23

      Thanks, Jocelyn – I’d forgotten about Fairway. Added to the list and map.

  5. Dan December 24, 2011 at 08:23

    I converted Gary Kriebel’s KML file to a GPS route and drove it last night. As far as I can tell, it’s a faithful capture of the Gingerbread Express route. If you use Gary’s data, be sure to add the intersection of Monticello Road and Mountain View Street to the end of his route. There’s something amazing there!

    Thanks to Gary and Jim for sharing this.

    1. Gary December 24, 2011 at 08:43

      That’s awesome, Dan. My iPhone app lost signal toward the end and we did go to Monticello & Mountain View. The bus had a fun time navigating the road. I’m glad the route was mostly complete and Jim was able to post it.

      Merry Christmas to all.

  6. Dave December 19, 2012 at 20:23

    1547 Church Plains Drive off of 240 in Crozet.

  7. connor November 14, 2016 at 16:16

    There’s this one house on locust ave that has lights every year.

  8. Dottie Di Liddo December 18, 2018 at 19:26

    Holmes Ave is getting better as well


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