Search for Homes in Charlottesville by Radius (Proximity)

It’s not often that I get super-excited by real estate search and technology anymore; the last time I got excited was’s app. And sometimes implementing simplicity is brilliant.

Diverse Solutions provides the “search for homes” tool that so many people use, and yesterday it got even better with their new release (researching this post, I realized that it’s only been a couple months since their last release).

– Radius search – check it out now! Walkability and proximity to stuff are two of the most important things my buyer clients are asking for.

– Search with polygons (only available on the backend by me for now … what polygons do you want?) and I imagine that soon it will likely be available to users

– Driving Directions

(have you seen that you can search for open houses as well? It’s an older feature but mighty useful!)

I have long wanted to provide the best real estate search tool in the Charlottesville area for my readers, visitors, buyers, etc – my role is a client representative, and I firmly believe that by empowering my clients, we all are better off.

Soon I might do a voice-over, but you really don’t want to listen to me, do you?

I’ll be testing this out myself (and implementing it more widely shortly)

As an aside … I don’t treat the visitors/readers/clients as “leads” despite this term’s persistence in the real estate vernacular.

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  1. Pingback: Friday Help Desk: How Do I Enable Radius Search? | Diverse Solutions

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