Understanding the Mortgage Settlement is above my pay grade; frankly the only ones who are likely to understand it are the ones writing it and pushing it forward. But shouldn’t they put the Mortgage Settlement in writing?
At least Virginia will be getting $479.6 billion million from the settlement. And now, FHA will be bailed out. … at what point will the government just give a million dollars to every citizen? Wouldn’t that be easier?
So now the millions of backlogged foreclosures are going to come on the market. Sometime.
Back to doing market analyses for potential sellers …
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Most people (myself included) have a very poor understanding as to what the mortgage settlement really consists of. Hopefully the powers that be aren’t selling taxpayers down the river while nobody is looking.
Jim, VA’s getting $479 million, not billion.Â
D’oh. Fixed. Thanks. But really, it’s all the same, right? 🙂