Charlottesville Real Estate Market February Update

Contracts are up in the Charlottesville area – significantly. Prices are down, inventory is down, sales are up. There is some positivity in the market; multiple offers, while not “the norm” are definitely common.

As I’ve said to clients: properties that are priced well*, in great condition, and in great locations tend to be selling well.

Nest Report – Feb 2012

I’m still trying to make time to run a few different numbers – breakdown of property type, etc. I’m doing these for my clients on property-specific instances frequently) but haven’t been able to do it for here …

* Priced well is part science, part art, part data analytics and part luck, sometimes not in equal proportions.Briefly:

For the Charlottesville MSA (Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Nelson) – (don’t count on the Days on Market; they’re easily gamed) –

Charlottesville MSA Sales and Inventory -Feb

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