Charlottesville as a Great “Place” – to Live, Be, Grow Business

There was a great discussion last night at the Tom Tom Founders Festival’s Social Media Innovation Track. The panelists were fantastic –

– Evan Cooper, Director of Digital Strategy, Red Light Management

– Tobias Dengel, CEO Willow Tree

– Marijean Jaggers, President of Jaggers Communication

– Ryan Derose, founder of VibeThink

The conversation is worth listening to – from their insights about attracting talent to Charlottesville, to the authenticity of Charlottesville to the future of the mobile web (hint:it’s huge)

Charlottesville Tomorrow was kind enough to document, photograph and record the whole thing. If you have 45 minutes, have a listen.

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1 Comment

  1. shaira May 17, 2012 at 01:31

    I think anywhere is a good place to live as long as you like the community, the people, the environment. I think Charlottesville would be a good place for anyone.


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