Meadowcreek Parkway Takes another Step to Completion

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports that Judge Moon has dismissed the most recent lawsuit seeking to prevent the Meadow Creek Parkway’s completion.

Judge Norman K. Moon of the U.S. Western District Court has dismissed a lawsuit from the Coalition to Preserve McIntire Park that claimed the Federal Highway Administration unlawfully split three components of the roadway in order to evade environmental scrutiny.

Anyone up for a bet as to when the Meadowcreek Parkway will be completed? I’m thinking 2015.

I’d love to know when the Meadowcreek Parkway was first proposed; that’d be an interesting addition to CvillePedia. For newcomers, it’s been discussed since well before 2005 when I first started this blog. I believe it’s been in the works for at least 40 years, but I can’t find that cited anywhere.

I do know this – whether it’s one word (Meadowcreek) or two words (Meadow Creek) – in true CharlAlbemarle fashion, we’re going to have another road that goes from Point A to Point B that has (at least) two names: the County section is now the “John Warner Parkway” and the City’s section will likely be something else.*

Update 30 May 2012: Seems there may already be an appeal in the works. I’d wager that the vast majority of Charlottesville folks – while they may not necessarily be in favor of the Parkway are ready for it to be built.

Some history:

2005 – more Meadowcreek Parkway studies!

2005 – Another Meadowcreek Parkway study

2005 – Meadowcreek Parkway lawsuit.

* One of my favorite examples of the “one road, many names” in Charlottesville is Barracks Road – from Sugar Hollow to Nest, the road name changes multiple times, yet the road remains the same.

Photo used courtesy of bsabarnowl.

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