Stonefield’s Altering of the 29 Landscape

29 is changing faster than you think. It seems that just a few months ago they were merely moving dirt. Now they’re probably scheduling cleaning crews in anticipation of the opening of Trader Joe’s.

Remember the 7-11 on 29? The Blockbuster?

Stonefield is certainly changing the landscape of one of the busiest intersections/stretches of 29. If you don’t live in Charlottesville and are curious what all the hubbub is about (Trader Joe’s is coming in November, Blue Ridge Mountain Sports is moving from Barracks Road, an IMAX theater, a Cafe Caturra, and presumably lots of other chains.)

As as aside, the grocery store wars are upon us, with Trader Joe’s poised to open, Wegmans coming to 5th Street Extended and Fresh Market on 29 North (where the Circuit City used to be)

As a further aside, 29 is going to be a disaster.

Update 7 August 2012: The homogenization of Charlottesville continues –  #NotThatTheresAnythingWrongWithThat

The Shops at Stonefield is a highly curated mix of retailers and restaurants chosen specifically to reflect local interests as well as bring a unique experience to the community. As part of the development, EDENS will welcome new, premier retailers to the Charlottesville area including Williams-Sonoma, Pottery Barn, Langford Market and Trader Joe’s. EDENS is also working with local favorite Blue Ridge Mountain Sports on a new flagship store. Additionally, The Shops at Stonefield will have quality restaurants like Travinia Italian Kitchen and Burtons Grill, allowing visitors to enjoy dinner and a movie at the new Regal Cinema. Regal features the area’s first IMAX experience and 14 auditoriums with stadium seating.

And, if you’ll just be nice to them on Facebook & Twitter, Stonefield will tell you some really awesome news. #aargh.

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