How to Choose a Buyer’s Agent (in Charlottesville)

Choosing a buyer’s agent is a challenging thing and should be among your first steps in the home buying process. I’ve put together six questions for you to ask when interviewing a buyer’s agent¦

In addition to the questions I posed in the linked story, here are some additional questions I would ask if I were hiring a buyer’s agent:

– Are you taking on new buyer clients right now?

– How many buyers are you working with right now?

– Do you use electronic signatures (if not, I wouldn’t work with that agent) (Update 29 December 2014 – while far, far more Realtors use electronic signature than did when I originally wrote this post, this is still an important question)

– What are your specialties? (first time homebuyers, green buyers, Crozet, Albemarle, etc)

– What do you think about Realtors?

– What does “representation” mean to you?

Candidly, I think I’m better qualified than most when it comes to interviewing a real estate agent; I practice real estate and interact with realtors every day … most people don’t.

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