Will I Fit in (Politically, in this Neighborhood)?

Update February 2020

If you’re the curious type, you can you use the Virginia Public Access Project’s (VPAP) tool to see who is donating to whom in a particular zip code. I found it to be quite interesting, as we are in the middle the 2020 election cycle.


Politically, Will I fit in? Will I like my neighbors? Will they like me? Will we get along?

As a Realtor, I can help with some of these, and others I can’t.

When you move into a new area, buy a new home, you’re not just buying the house. You’re buying your neighbors – today, tomorrow, next month –

Driving around neighborhoods observing political signs is one way to help determine whether you might “fit in” in a neighborhood –  many, many of my clients are doing that right now. Some might feel more comfortable in a Romney-dominated neighborhood, some in an Obama-heavy neighborhood, others prefer no signs, some a good mix (50-50 is nice in my mind) –

I’m looking forward to after the election so I can update this post from 2011 in which I looked at some of the voting trends in Charlottesville and Albemarle – I wonder what’s changed.

City of Charlottesville
Charlottesville, VA Neighborhood Statistics - Realtors Property Resource.jpg

County of Albemarle
Albemarle County Neighborhood Information - Realtors Property Resource

But really, I just want the election to be over. Who isn’t?



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