Charlottesville (City) Investing Less in Infrastructure

Graham Moomaw reports at the Daily Progress:

As the city of Charlottesville bumps up against its debt limit, the amount of money officials are allocating for infrastructure needs has dropped sharply.
According to a draft of next year’s capital budget, officials plan to allocate just $1 million for new projects out of a total of $5 million in new requests from city departments.

I remember something about a surplus in Charlottesville.

Maybe they haven’t heard that America’s infrastructure is crumbling and failing.

Maybe Charlottesville could partner with Albemarle, the University of Virginia and other regional partners and Blue Ridge Internetworks and put in fiber. Everywhere. (it’s working in Kansas City)

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  1. meg December 4, 2012 at 09:10

    i just want sidewalks everywhere. including my street 🙂


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