November’s (Charlottesvile MSA) Real Estate Market Wasn’t So Bad

Charlottesville Nest Report - November 2012

Inventory is down (everywhere), contracts are up (broadly), sales are up (generally),


Quality inventory is still low.
– The fiscal cliff generated by the irrepressible idiots in Washington is creating uncertainty – something we don’t need.
– One month isn’t a trend, particularly as the numbers are so broadly skewed in some cases.
– As I noted yesterday, more foreclosures are needed in order to find a definable, sustainable recovery.
Your market – whatever that is – is part of this report, but for a true understanding of whether you can sell or should buy you need to seek out and find specific advice and insight to your situation.

The data’s not bad. Not bad at all.

Download the two-page report here or click through to see the embedded report.Nest Report – November 2012

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1 Comment

  1. Simon Campbell December 12, 2012 at 01:04

    This isn’t the only are that is recovering from the economic recession. Home prices are on the rise with an increase of 6.3% from October 2011 to October 2012 – the largest increase seen since 2006. Furthermore, this number includes the prices of distressed homes (such as foreclosures and short sales). Unless something seriously unexpected happens, we can expect to see real estate market progress throughout 2013 as the housing market continues to rebound.


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