Enjoy Charlottesville Today – We’re Healthy!

I was going to publish this next week, but seeing as how it’s supposed to be 73 degrees today, I thought today was appropriate.

Charlottesville is healthy. We knew that, right?

I was asked yesterday what I would tell someone who’s moving to Albemarle County; the reasons to move are many, but they all come under the heading of “it’s really just a great place to live.” One of those reasons is that there is so much to do –

From the hikes around Charlottesville to the variety of adult league sports ranging from soccer to lacrosse to softball … kickball …

If the Weldon Cooper Center’s data doesn’t do it for you, look at West Main Street on a Sunday morning:

Virginia Data | Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service - Albemarle County

Not only has Charlottesville been ranked as a healthy place in Virginia, Charlottesville’s been named as one of the healthiest places in the country a couple times – by the AARP in 2008 and Men’s Journal as one of the Healthiest Towns in 2010. (but really, lists are just that … now get out there and enjoy Charlottesville today! — I’ll be riding my bicycle to a home inspection today.

The City of Charlottesville is pretty darn healthy, too.

Virginia Data | Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service - Charlottesville

I could go into the reasons for the disparities but that’s probably better for in-person conversations.

(Visited 31 times, 1 visits today)


    1. Jim Duncan January 30, 2013 at 10:28

      Aargh. Thanks. Will fix it shortly.

      Please excuse any perceived brevity or curtness. Sent from my iPhone.


    2. Jim Duncan January 30, 2013 at 12:04

      Yep – When selecting the county, it’s highlighted as red to indicate it’s selected, which in turn changes it from green to red. 🙂


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