From the Rivanna to Rose Hill – Rounding up a few Charlottesville Tomorrow stories

When I say that I couldn’t represent my clients – buyers and sellers – without the reporting of Charlottesville Tomorrow, I mean it. The past seven days demonstrate that statement:

(Charlottesville City) Council takes first step in enacting stormwater fee – “The fee will bring in an additional $1.6 million each year in revenues that will be dedicated for stormwater replacement and repair.”

America’s infrastructure is crumbling, and Charlottesville (and Albemarle’s) infrastructures aren’t immune. This is a step (so long as it’s not a tax that never goes away) towards fixing our infrastructure.

Officials present unified vision for long range planning – “After an hour of presentations by local officials, the burning question was a simple one: How can pedestrians cross U.S. 29 in Albemarle County’s northern growth area?”

Asking this question is a start … doing something is an entirely different matter.

Changes in the works for Rose Hill Drive – “The proposals include buffers to protect cyclists from traffic, new street trees and narrower lanes.”

I’d wager that better multi-modal transportation options will be a net positive for property values and livability; this foresight and knowledge are beneficial to buyers moving to or within Charlottesville, residents and potential sellers.

River design competition winners announced – “The winning design, titled Sound Crater, celebrates Charlottesville’s music scene and establishes the Rivanna at the heart of it. “

Making the Rivanna a center part of the City would be a tremendous undertaking, but one that would make Charlottesville an eminently better place to live (if done right).

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