I am the Real Jim Duncan – Reputation Management 101

I am Jim Duncan. The Realtor. The soccer player and coach. Partner at Nest Realty in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Friends who have known me for a long time call me Jimmy.

I’m glad I have a blog and doubly glad I own it.

I am not the representative from Tennessee referenced in this tweet:


And yeah, I’m keyword slamming this post with my name, Jim Duncan, real estate agent in Charlottesville, because I’d rather my name come up in a positive way rather than some comment from a politician. Or any other Jim Duncan. (especially the weatherman from Richmond 🙂 )

@AlexHalperin was extremely responsive to my quick response. He deleted the original tweet, re-stated it removing me – @JimDuncan – and then tweeted this retraction/apology.


1) Monitor your name across social media

2) Respond as quickly as possible to negative things.

3) Be respectful.

4) Thank folks for clearing things up.

5) Monitor your name and reputation; the internets have a long and permanent memory.

6) This post might be overkill, but I’d rather take no chances with my reputation.

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  1. Mark February 20, 2013 at 23:01

    so are you saying women can handle a beating better?

    1. Jim Duncan February 20, 2013 at 23:03


      Please excuse any perceived brevity or curtness. Sent from my phone.



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