Vegan Resources in Charlottesville

From the Central Virginia Vegan Meetup Group to various restaurants and grocery stores, including a wonderful Vegan Guide to Charlottesville restaurants, it seems that Charlottesville offers an awful lot of options for vegans and vegetarians. I’m not nearly educated enough on this topic as I should be, but when incoming buyer clients asked me about Charlottesville options, I turned to the best resource available to me – Twitter and Facebook.

Practicing real estate is absolutely about representing buyers and sellers, but it’s also about educating and introducing clients to my town and providing local insight that they might not get from the google.

Click through to see the embedded storify with Charlottesville Vegan and Vegetarian resources.

But now .. perhaps the google will offer a better answer. 🙂

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  1. Chris January 13, 2014 at 10:51

    Thanks for putting this out there! I can vouch for the Meetup group because we host potlucks at our house fairly regularly and attend a lot of the other gatherings and the food and company are always fabulous.

    1. Jim Duncan January 13, 2014 at 13:30

      Thanks, Chris. That’s great to hear and I’ll make sure my folks see this!


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