April 2014 Monthly Note – The Market, Reading Suggestions and Septic Systems

One of the best things I do every month is write my monthly note. Really.

This month’s note is quite interesting – I’m looking at my audience, the reasons for unsubscribing, and I’m taking a bold step in how I define the need for septic system inspections. But one of the highlights being a note from a client that exemplifies and highlights why I do what I do – and why I work so damn hard to assemble the right team for my clients.

I’m also inclined to touch on representation and an anger/sadness-inducing phone call I received in the past few weeks.

Interested in the Charlottesville market and round up of the stories from RealCentralVA and RealCrozetVA? Two clicks is all it takes to subscribe.

Posting early next week; I’d have published this week but I wanted to get a few more days of MLS data before I pull and write about the market data.

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  1. Pingback: What do Buyers (Moving to or In) Charlottesville Read? - RealCentralVA.com

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