Two and a half miles to dinner (x2) – about 16 minutes – is easy. Bicycling as transportation is something other countries (and some American cities) understand. It’s about time we did so as well.
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Charlottesville's Real Estate Blog. Buyer &/or Seller Representation, Real Estate News
We ALL have seen the Mess that was Created by, Hank Paulson, and that Sub-Prime Mess here now. But, Finally, we are coming out of that Mess there Finally Too, Right. Rates are Rising on Homes now too, and So are Prices on Homes as well!! And that is the Biggest Worry out there these Days to Worry about too. Because, I Heard, Late Last year here too, that some really Respected Experts now, are Predicting a Home Value Rise, like we had back in Early 2007 here too!!! And that one was Massive if you remember too!!
I was Working on a Loan for a Former Surgeon of mine that had come to me, for Refinance there. He Bought the House for $4.2 M too, and in Early 2009 I did Appraisal, and it was Worth Only $2.1 M Guys!!! And the Market is Headed back to those Early 2007 Levels again, but not until 2017, so you have been Warned now at least!! Don’t Miss your Chance now, before Values go Higher, which they already are NOW!!! Call us Today, to see what you Qualify for Home Value Wise, before they Rise more too!!
Bike lanes encourage healthy transportation and protect the rider’s health. Though rarely addressed, I wonder if bike lanes have any impact on a property’s value. At least it should have an impact on the quality of life for that neighborhood or city. In my opinion, installation of bike lanes should be mandatory on all urban road renovation/improvement projects.