Building a New Neighborhood in Charlottesville – Lochlyn Hill

Community. It’s amazing how many of my buyer clients identify “community” as one of the top three criteria they’re looking for. We’re aiming to build that in a new neighborhood in Charlottesville.

My clients have heard me talk about this “coming neighborhood” for about two years; now dirt is finally moving, roads are going in, utilities are being run and house plans are being finalized.

Lochlyn Hill is a new neighborhood in Charlottesville – 5 minutes to downtown Charlottesville by car, 15 minutes or so by bicycle, with only local (mostly small) builders, with the focus being community and building homes. We’re focusing on building homes – and community – instead of more homes, our goal is to authentically and organically build a neighborhood.

Curious? I’ve posted a FAQ below, but thought you might be surprised (I was) by the view at the entrance to the neighborhood.

Disclosure: I’m a real estate agent. I’m marketing the neighborhood. If you’re interested in the neighborhood, please email or call me – 434-242-7140. There’s a lot more to tell about this neighborhood and we’re going to keep writing the story.

Where is it? Located off of Rio Road, between Pen Park and Treesdale, just off of Vegas Court.

Who’s building? Bramante, Peak, Echelon, Gaffney, Craig (townhomes)

How many homes? Less than 180. First phase will be 14 single family + 5 townhomes.

Timeframe? They’re pushing dirt now and we expect to be delivering homes in Summer/Fall 2014

Price point? Each builder is finalizing floorplans and styles, but we expect the price points to be in the $400k to $600k range.

Another neighborhood off of Rio? Really? What’s special about this neighborhood?

For starters, only local, mostly small builders will be building in Lochlyn Hill. There won’t be any amenities but there will be a central green that will be partially level and partially rolling hills. Some of it will be programmed/defined and the rest will be open, natural area.

We’ll have trails – trails that will connect to the Rivanna River as well as the Rivanna Trail system and the Charlottesville City trail system.

Lot sizes? A little bit bigger than Belvedere, keeping in line with the demands of the localities.

Update 24 April 2014 – We went to Lochlyn Hill yesterday; it’s amazing how fast they are moving.

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  1. Mark April 23, 2014 at 09:39

    Did not realize there was that much land back there. I’m sure they will sell well.

    I’m trying not to be snarky and cynical, Jim, but this quote from the site tickled me:

    “Diverse home styles, sizes, and price points”

    I’m sure it will be a diverse group of people who can afford a $2500-3500 monthly mortgage payment, just like Belvedere, but with higher City taxes and no “planned organic garden”.

    1. Jim Duncan April 23, 2014 at 10:57

      Mark –

      Based on the market for this product, location and neighborhood we have reasonably high expectations. We’re aiming to have a different feel to this neighborhood, in large part brought about by having small builders building relatively few homes at a time.

      We’re looking to have an organic garden in Lochlyn Hill in one of the phases.

      The economic reality is that building new homes at lower price points is extremely difficult due to so many factors – land costs, labor, materials, locality fees, etc.

  2. Simon Campbell April 25, 2014 at 07:16

    I love the view and that being so close to town as well. I hope that the developers will leave as many existing trees as possible. I hate it when developers come in, strip everything off the land to make development easy and then replant. Seems counter productive and it just lacks that long time natural feel.

    1. Mark April 25, 2014 at 14:28

      Simon, to your point–
      Dunlora Forest: most ironic name ever.

  3. Ben May 23, 2014 at 06:56

    Is there a site plan for the development that can be posted online? And is there a bridge that’s going to cross Meadowcreek and connect into the Rivanna trail?

    1. Jim Duncan May 24, 2014 at 07:13

      Ben –

      We’re working on the website now and it should be ready to launch shortly. There are plans to connect to the Rivanna Trail as well. I’d be happy to send you a site plan for Phases 1 and 2. Any chance you can email me for an early look at them?




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